On 2021-05-01 13:02, David van der Spoel wrote:

I have the issue in the subject when running obenergy on a Gaussian log
file, using
obenergy -ff GAFF 123-trimethyl-imidazolium.log > log.out

When I instead use a sdf file there is no problem.

obenergy -ff GAFF 123-trimethyl-imidazolium.sdf > sdf.out

Both invocations return different atomtypes, correct for sdf and
incorrect for Gaussian file. As the message said, no aromatic ring is

diff log.out sdf.out  | head -n 18
< 1    c2    AL
< 2    c2    AL
< 3    n3    AL
< 4    cc    AL
< 5    n3    AL
> 1    cd    AR
> 2    cc    AR
> 3    na    AR
> 4    cc    AR
> 5    na    AR
< 8    h1    NO
< 9    h1    NO
> 8    h4    NO
> 9    h4    NO

Suggestions for debugging welcome.

Some more info: apparently OB needs to know *where* the charge is and
this information is not deduced from the Gaussian log file. There is no
M_CHG field generated, despite the total charge of the compound being
set in the src/gaussformat.cpp code.

Another clue: if the M_CHG field is present but points to the wrong
atom, OB cannot deduce the correct atom types and aromaticity either.

David van der Spoel, Ph.D.,
Professor of Computational Molecular Biophysics
Uppsala University.

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David van der Spoel, Ph.D.,
Professor of Computational Molecular Biophysics
Uppsala University.

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