Hi, I found a pretty annoying behavior with the protonation, which uncovers an underlying issue with the chemical perception.
The easiest way to reproduce this is to add hydrogens to the ammonium molecule in XYZ format: obabel ammonium.xyz -ph 7 -O ammonium_xyz.mol2 In the generated file, the nitrogen will have 4 hydrogens, 5 total bonds, and atom type "N.3" (wrong). If the molecule is converted to Mol2 first, then protons added: obabel ammonium.xyz -O ammonium_xyz_step1.mol2 obabel ammonium_xyz_step1.mol2 -ph 7 -O ammonium_xyz_step2.mol2 the nitrogen will have 3 hydrogens, 4 bonds, and atom type "N.4" in both Mol2 files (correct). Also, in the second file the charge is correctly set to +1. Identical behavior is found when doing the same through Python. This totally unexpected because the valence is properly perceived every single function I've tried (GetExplicitValence(), ExplicitDegree(), GetTotalDegree(), GetTotalValence()), which return the correct value (4). The expected behavior would be either to remove the extra proton, or to update the atom and molecule formal charge, but definitely not to generate a nitrogen with 5 connections. Interestingly, when parsing the OB atom type of the nitrogen is set to "N3+", so at some point in the chemical perception, this is detected correctly. Yet, if there's an easy way to fix this I couldn't find it. This seems like a bug to me. Any advice? Thanks, S -- Stefano Forli, PhD Associate Professor Dept. of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, MB-112A Scripps Research 10550 North Torrey Pines Road La Jolla, CA 92037-1000, USA. tel: +1 (858)784-2055 email: fo...@scripps.edu https://forlilab.org
Description: Xmol XYZ data
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