> I have a related bug. Just downloaded OpenBabel-3.0.0-x86.exe from GitHub but 
> it was generating corrdinates with too many digits. Excerpt from PDBQT file 
> overflowing the coords mask:

I'd suggest filing a bug with an example file. I'm not entirely sure what to do 
because the problem isn't in the decimals, but looks like it's in the value 

> The manual says the following in the "Whats new" section of version 1.100.0:
> Coordinates now use double-precision floating point libraries for greater 
> accuracy in conversions.

That version is literally ancient. There are plenty of ways to set the numeric 
format - if I remember, there's already one set for PDB / PDBQT - but i don't 
think the formats expect to have numbers that large.

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