Hi Noel,

that is an interesting issue and I believe would be good to clarify for future 

I've tried to deal with it in the past, and I believe I resorted in using 
I've tried playing with the OBStereoFacade multiple times, but I never 
understood it, and the documentation is somehow cyclic:

   "Facade to simplify retrieval of OBStereoBase derived objects."

While digging to write this message, I found a C++ example in the 
Stereochemistry classes summary 
(http://openbabel.org/dev-api/group__stereo.shtml), which could be roughly 
translated in Python:

    import ob
    # load the molecule here
    facade = ob.OBStereoFacade()
    for atom in ob.OBMolAtomIter(mol):
        atom_id = atom.GetId()
         if facade.HasTetrahedralStereo(atom_id):

If so, could you skip the floodfill algorithm step? Otherwise would be the 
purpose of it?

Also, even if R/S chirality is not assigned, is there a way to invert it?
I've tried OBTetrahedralStereo::GetConfig and  OBStereo::Winding, but results 
were inconsistent, so I gave up.



On 5/14/19 6:59 AM, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
> Ah right. No - we don't do R and S assignment. But I don't see how a sensible 
> QSAR model could possibly relate the count of R and S centers to a physical 
> property. What does that even mean?
> OBAtom.IsChiral() does not do what you think it's doing. In fact, in the 
> development version it has been removed.
> I'm afraid you'll have to figure out the floodfill yourself unless someone 
> wants to help out. It's a standard graph algorithm that can be done with a 
> breadth first or depth first search using a stack. If you google it up, or 
> read Sedgewick's Algorithms you should be able to figure it out.
> Regards,
> - Noel
> On Tue, 14 May 2019 at 03:59, Spencer Trinh <trinh.kc...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:trinh.kc...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Noel,
>     Thanks for response. The paper didn't really mention the R/S 
> configuration but their supplemental had it. Here is the first two rows of 
> their supplemental dataset.
>       CID     SMILES  MW      N       O       XLogP   HBD     HBA     RotB    
> tPSA    nStereo R       S
>     Lipitor   60823   
> CC(C)C1=C(C(=C(N1CC[C@H](C[C@H](CC(=O)O)O)O)C2=CC=C(C=C2)F)C3=CC=CC=C3)C(=O)NC4=CC=CC=C4
>         558,64  2       5       5,7     4       7       12      112,0   2     
>   2       0
>     Nexium    4594    CC1=CN=C(C(=C1OC)C)CS(=O)C2=NC3=C(N2)C=C(C=C3)OC        
> 345,42  3       3       0,6     1       6       5       77,1    1       1     
>   0
>     For the stereocenters I wrote:
>          nStereo=0
>          for atom in mol:
>              if atom.OBAtom.IsChiral() and atom.OBAtom.GetAtomicNum() == 6:
>                  nStereo+=1
>     Would that work just like OBStereoFacade? I'm not familiar with using 
> that class.
>     I'm not sure how to conduct a floodfill search of a molecule. Are there 
> examples that you can point me to? I simply wrote this but I lack the 
> knowledge to carry on:
>     mol = 
> pybel.readstring('smi','CC(=O)SC1CC2=CC(=O)CCC2(C3C1C4CCC5(C4(CC3)C)CCC(=O)O5)C')
>     for a in mol:
>          if a.OBAtom.IsInRing():
>              print(f'{a.idx}, {a.atomicnum}, {a.cidx}')
>     Can you provide further assistance? Thanks.
>     Best regards,
>     Spencer
>     Vào Th 2, 13 thg 5, 2019 vào lúc 09:45 Noel O'Boyle 
> <baoille...@gmail.com <mailto:baoille...@gmail.com>> đã viết:
>         Hi Spencer,
>         To count the number of ring systems, simply find a ring atom that you 
> have not yet visited (OBAtom.IsInRing()) and floodfill through all of the 
> adjacent ring atoms via bonds that are in a ring. That's ring system 1. 
> Repeat to find additional ring systems.
>         In the reference you point to, they don't count the number of R 
> stereocenters and S stereocenters. They use "chiralCenterCount()", defined as 
> " Calculates the number of tetrahedral stereogenic centers" 
> (https://forum.chemaxon.com/ftopic2417.html). If you use the OBStereoFacade, 
> you should be able to count up the stereo centers. Hopefully this number is 
> the same as you are expecting.
>         Regards,
>             Noel
>         On Mon, 13 May 2019 at 02:03, Spencer Trinh <trinh.kc...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:trinh.kc...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>             Hi Openbabel developers,
>             I am trying to reproduce the data from this paper:
>             https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25618349
>             They listed 20 chemical descriptors used for a pca analysis. I am 
> having trouble figuring out how they calculated the ring system count. Is 
> there a way to count the number of ring systems as opposed to standard rings? 
> For example, spiro rings are considered one instead of two, etc. I simply 
> know how to get ring count through: mol.OBMol.GetSSSR(). Also, I don't know 
> how to count the number of R stereocenters and S stereocenters. Is this 
> possible with Openbabel? I would assume so since it can do a lot of things. 
> Thank you.
>             Best regards,
>             Spencer
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  Stefano Forli, PhD

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