I had read that post, and I was aware of the fact that SMIRKS are not supported.
Although, I thought the pattern I've tested was a tautomer-like pattern, and 
similar to what OB does for fixing the pH and/or normalizing bonds.

I was trying to 'hijack' explicit hydrogens to transform them into other 
elements and add 
one atom at the time (i.e., [S:1][H:2] >> [S:1][C:2]), but it seems to me the 
functionality is a bit more limited than I thought.

In my tests, SMARTS patterns don't match mapped hydrogens, so for the molecule 

   [O:1][H:2] : False
   [O][H]     : True

Nevertheless, even when you get a match, this transformation never happens:

  '[O][H] >> [O][N]'

and sometimes I get a segfault.

I know that prior to testing a SMARTS patter, explicit hydrogens are added to a 
copy of 
the molecule, but adding them beforehand doesn't change the outcome.

I'm wondering if it is possible to start adding pieces to build up toward 
this functionality.
I while ago I started a discussion about the implementation of the Maximum 
Substructure in OpenBabel[1], and I got quite some positive feedback (including 
to actual code).

In fact, the Python code from Andrew Dalke seems a good starting point to me.
Beside the McGregor approach you suggested in the thread I linked, I've also 
found this 
more recent algorithm, MultiMCS:

Obviously, I'm have a particular interest in these features (MCS and reactions) 
searching for solutions, I've found several people requesting them in the past.
I know many alternative solutions are available (I've successfully used RDKit 
and Indigo), 
but I would prefer to use OpenBabel.

If there's indeed some general interest, and developers think it's feasible, 
even if in 
the long run, I would be happy to work on it.




On 03/25/2016 05:57 AM, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
> We don't support smirks. See
> On 24 Mar 2016 9:33 p.m., "Stefano Forli" < 
> <>>
> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     for a while, now, I'm banging my head on how to perform simple 
> modifications on molecules
>     (I wouldn't dare to call them reactions), but I'm having a hard time 
> getting anything
>     done. I'm using v2.3.2 with Python, and the core of my code is basically 
> this:
>        reactor = ob.OBChemTsfm()
>        reactor.Init(start_pattern, end_pattern)
>        reactor.Apply(mol)
>     Since I couldn't get it to work with my molecules, I've tested one simple 
> reaction example
>     from here [1]:
>          [CH2:1]=[CH:2][CH:3]=[CH:4][CH2:5][H:6]>> 
> [H:6][CH2:1][CH:2]=[CH:3][CH:4]=[CH2:5]
>     and I found that it doesn't seem to work on a simple test molecule such 
> "C/C=C\C=C".
>     I think the problem is that the first part of the reaction is not 
> recognized using it as
>     SMARTS pattern, even without indexes (i.e. "[CH2]=[CH][CH]=[CH][CH2][H]").
>     The documentation suggests that OBChemTsfm is indeed the one to use to 
> perform chemical
>     transformations, while OBReaction holds only the information about it.
>     I suspect I'm doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what it is.
>     Any advice on the matter?
>     Thanks!
>     S
>     [1] 
>     --
>        Stefano Forli, PhD
>        Assistant Professor of Integrative
>        Structural and Computational Biology,
>        Molecular Graphics Laboratory
>        Dept. of Integrative Structural
>         and Computational Biology, MB-112A
>        The Scripps Research Institute
>        10550  North Torrey Pines Road
>        La Jolla,  CA 92037-1000,  USA.
>           tel: +1 (858)784-2055
>           fax: +1 (858)784-2860
>           email: <>
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  Stefano Forli, PhD

  Assistant Professor of Integrative
  Structural and Computational Biology,
  Molecular Graphics Laboratory

  Dept. of Integrative Structural
   and Computational Biology, MB-112A
  The Scripps Research Institute
  10550  North Torrey Pines Road
  La Jolla,  CA 92037-1000,  USA.

     tel: +1 (858)784-2055
     fax: +1 (858)784-2860

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