
I' m using open babel (2.3.1 on Mac Os and I tried also 2.2.3 on a Linux 
to add hydrogen atoms on a ligand, and it does not work.

The command I entered is:

babel -iXYZ ligand.xyz -oXYZ ligandH.xyz -h

as specified in the "help" list.

The generated file is exactly the same as the input file,
... without any hydrogen atoms added.

Then, I tried on a very simple case:

ethanol "backbone"
C          0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
C         -0.68400       -1.18400       -0.48300
O         -0.02400       -2.32700       -0.01700

It does not work either (either on Mac OS or a Linux machine).

I probably missed something when using openbabel.
Any help will be appreciated.

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