Just copy the relevant files to site-packages: pybel.py, openbabel.py,
_openbabel.pyd. Then add your release build to the front of the
windows PATH (or else copy everything to site-packages but that's not
very nice) and "import pybel".

- Noel

On 21 November 2014 15:45, Dale R. Cameron <dcame...@westcoastchemist.ca> wrote:
> I had no trouble with SWIG.  Installed the latest version for Windows, told
> cmake where it would be and no troubles at all.  My trouble is installing
> them afterwards to be importable in python.
> Dale
> On 2014-11-21 04:33, Mathias Laurin wrote:
> My only remaining issue is how to install the python bindings for this newly
> built set.  I have not found instructions for how to perform that last task
> to get me where I want to be.
> In theory, you need to call cmake with
> The last one must be adapted to wherever you actually installed
> swig; I put mine in /bin using MSYS.
> Now, I did that on my own 32 bit install and make complains that
> it does not find swig.swg and python.swg. Any clue? Does it run
> on 64 bits?
> Best regards
> Mathias

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