I had no trouble with SWIG. Installed the latest version for Windows,
told cmake where it would be and no troubles at all. My trouble is
installing them afterwards to be importable in python.
On 2014-11-21 04:33, Mathias Laurin wrote:
>> My only remaining issue is how to install the python bindings for this newly
>> built set. I have not found instructions for how to perform that last task
>> to get me where I want to be.
> In theory, you need to call cmake with
> The last one must be adapted to wherever you actually installed
> swig; I put mine in /bin using MSYS.
> Now, I did that on my own 32 bit install and make complains that
> it does not find swig.swg and python.swg. Any clue? Does it run
> on 64 bits?
> Best regards
> Mathias
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