How many molecules are in mols.smi? Have you looked at task manager to see memory usage while running this?
You should move the initialisation of OBBuilder outside the loop. I have a feeling you are eating up memory by creating this multple times. - Noel On 3 December 2013 06:43, Joos Kiener <> wrote: > This is confusing. This issue is some weird memory issue. At the end of this > post is the most simple code I could come up with that reproduces the > problem for me. > > I can make the code work by removing or commenting just any of the following > lines (only one of them is enough): > > - conformerSearch.SetScore(score); // will then use default > OBRMSDConformerScore > > - String str = StringUtils.join(strArray, ','); > > For the StringUtils part, the length of the array matters. 5000 still works, > 8000 does not. However in my original application I completely removed that > and it still has the issue. This tells me it is some weird memory problem > that can be caused by generating long strings (but not limited to this). > This issue then breaks OBEnergyConformerScore but not the default > OBRMSDConformerScore. > > The error code from event viewer according to my google search means heap > corruption. > > See below the mentioned code. It has a dependency on > org.apache.commons.lang3. > > <code> > package conformergenerator; > > import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; > import org.openbabel.OBBuilder; > import org.openbabel.OBConformerScore; > import org.openbabel.OBConformerSearch; > import org.openbabel.OBConversion; > import org.openbabel.OBEnergyConformerScore; > import org.openbabel.OBMol; > > public class App { > > public static void main(String[] args) { > > System.loadLibrary("openbabel_java"); > > System.out.println("Create OBMol from smiles"); > OBConversion conv = new OBConversion(); > OBMol mol = new OBMol(); > conv.SetInFormat("smi"); > > boolean hasNext = conv.ReadFile(mol, "mols.smi"); > > String[] strArray = buildArray(10000); > while (hasNext) { > System.out.println("Adding Hydrogens"); > mol.AddHydrogens(); > System.out.println("Generate 3D coordinates"); > OBBuilder builder = new OBBuilder(); > builder.Build(mol); > > System.out.println("Generate Conformers"); > OBConformerSearch conformerSearch = new OBConformerSearch(); > OBConformerScore score = new OBEnergyConformerScore(); > conformerSearch.SetScore(score); > > if (!conformerSearch.Setup(mol)) { > String message = "Generating conformers failed."; > throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); > } > conformerSearch.Search(); > conformerSearch.GetConformers(mol); > > String str = StringUtils.join(strArray, ','); > // the idea would be to add this as property to mol > // but not required for the code to fail > > hasNext = conv.Read(mol); > } > System.out.println("Success!!!"); > } > > private static String[] buildArray(int numElements) { > String[] a = new String[numElements]; > for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { > a[i] = "a"; > } > return a; > } > } > </code> > > > > -- > View this message in context: > > Sent from the General discussion mailing list archive at > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Rapidly troubleshoot problems before they affect your business. Most IT > organizations don't have a clear picture of how application performance > affects their revenue. With AppDynamics, you get 100% visibility into your > Java,.NET, & PHP application. Start your 15-day FREE TRIAL of AppDynamics Pro! > > _______________________________________________ > OpenBabel-discuss mailing list > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rapidly troubleshoot problems before they affect your business. Most IT organizations don't have a clear picture of how application performance affects their revenue. With AppDynamics, you get 100% visibility into your Java,.NET, & PHP application. Start your 15-day FREE TRIAL of AppDynamics Pro! _______________________________________________ OpenBabel-discuss mailing list