Using Chris's op, and a shorter testcase ("C=CC1=CN=CC1"), the problem
is that when you delete an Atom, the perceived stereo is invalid
(well, may be invalid). To work around this, you should remove the
perceived stereo. We should probably sort it out at our end.

In C++, I have:
while (pmol->DeleteData("StereoData"));

The equivalent Python might be:
success = pmol.DeleteData("StereoData")
while success:
    success = pmol.DeleteData("StereoData")

You shouldn't have to do this immediately after deleting each single
atom, but only once you are done modifying the structure.

- Noel

On 25 April 2013 16:33, Chris Morley <> wrote:
> On 24/04/2013 16:01, Pascal Muller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a little pybel script for generating Murcko scaffolds, which
>> works well with 2.3.1, but fails on a few molecules ("Segmentation
>> fault") with 2.3.2.
>> Depending on code modifications, the fault raises at different points,
>> but I have no clue on why the bug is happening.
>> Below is my code shortened as much as I could.
>> Regards,
>> Pascal
>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>> # encoding: utf-8
>> import sys
>> import os, pybel
>> import openbabel as ob
>> def GetMurckoFramework(mol):
>>      haveAtomWithOneNeighbor,atomsWithOneNeighborList =
>> checkIfIsOnlyOneNeighbor(mol)
>>      while (haveAtomWithOneNeighbor):
>>          for atomToDel in atomsWithOneNeighborList:
>>              mol.OBMol.DeleteAtom(atomToDel) # delete atom which are
>> not part of a cycle or a linker (terminal atoms)
>>          haveAtomWithOneNeighbor,atomsWithOneNeighborList =
>> checkIfIsOnlyOneNeighbor(mol)
>>      return mol
>> def checkIfIsOnlyOneNeighbor(mol):
>>      isAnAtomWithOneNeighbor = 0
>>      atomWithOneNeighborList = []
>>      for atom in ob.OBMolAtomIter(mol.OBMol):
>>          if not atom.IsInRing():
>>              neighborsCount = 0
>>              for neighbor in ob.OBAtomAtomIter(atom):
>>                  neighborsCount = neighborsCount + 1
>>              if (neighborsCount <= 1): # It is a terminal atom (only
>> one neighbor) double bond
>>                  atomWithOneNeighborList.append(atom) # will be deleted
>>                  isAnAtomWithOneNeighbor = 1
>>      return isAnAtomWithOneNeighbor, atomWithOneNeighborList
>> def main():
>>      if len(sys.argv) < 2:
>>          print "No input file provided: filetosprocess.smi"
>>          sys.exit(1)
>>      mol1 = pybel.readstring("smi", "C1(=Cc2cn(nc2)CC(=O)N)C(=O)NC(=O)S1")
>>      mol2 = pybel.readstring("smi",
>> "C1(=CC2=C(N=C(C2)C(=O)N)C)C(=O)NC(=O)S1")
>>      li = [mol1, mol2]
>>      for mol in li:
>>          mol = GetMurckoFramework(mol)
>>          print mol
>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>      main()
> The problem seems to be in the stereo perception code called during smiles
> output. It possibly arises because the atom deletion somehow messes up the
> molecule and the stereo perception routines don't cope. I've tried deleting
> the stereochemical data in the scaffold to little effect, but most effective
> was to suppress stereo perception in smilesformat output. The output option
> -xi (C++ pConv->AddOption("i");) nearly does this but needs line 3608 in
> smilesformat.cpp to be
> bool is_chiral = isomeric && AtomIsChiral(atom);
> But this is only a partial solution and the stereo perception needs to be
> more robust. The bigger problem is how to handle OBMol objects sometimes as
> patterns rather than as molecules.
> Remember also that atom indices can be invalidated when another atom is
> deleted, although that doesn't seem to be an issue in your code.
> Attached is an op based on your method used from obabel (or the gui) for
> debugging.
> Chris
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