This is strange behaviour. The command line you showed would write text representation of fingerprints to C:\OUTPUTNAME.smi, which you may not have intended but should not be catastrophic. Possibly the environment variable BABEL_DATADIR has become corrupted. Try re-setting it (via the Control Panel) to the directory containing the OpenBabelData data files. With the 2.3.1 this is probably something like C:\Program Files\OpenBabel-2.3.1\data (I've forgotten exactly where on Windows XP). The latest OpenBabel release is 2.3.2.
Chris On 08/02/2013 02:40, JimJoyner wrote: > Running openbabel from the command prompt (WIN XP), > accidentally ran it with no input file: > > obabel c:\INPUTname.smi -O c:\OUTPUTname.smi -ofpt -xfFP3 > > After this, tried with the input file there with a list of SMILES, > get error message: > > "cannot open aromatic.txt" > > and it reverts to saved data for the output file. > > Tried uninstalling and reinstalling openbabel 2.3.1 with no change. > > Previously something similar happened with openbabel 2.3.0 > and using openbabel under a different user name on the computer worked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Next-Gen Firewall Hardware Offer Buy your Sophos next-gen firewall before the end March 2013 and get the hardware for free! Learn more. _______________________________________________ OpenBabel-discuss mailing list