
i have testet it again:

babel join.sdf joinout.sdf -s"CN"
*** Open Babel Warning  in ReadMolecule
  WARNING: Problems reading a MDL file
Cannot read atom and bond count
Expected standard 6 character atom and bond count

3396 molecules converted
1 warnings 54338 audit log messages 

obabel isn't install on the server. 

With 90% Tanimoto:

babel join.sdf joinout.sdf -s"CN" -at0.9
*** Open Babel Warning  in ReadMolecule
  WARNING: Problems reading a MDL file
Cannot read atom and bond count
Expected standard 6 character atom and bond count

3396 molecules converted
1 warnings 54338 audit log messages 

The joinout.sdf has always 19MB so i think there are always the 3396 inside.

The same if i try: babel join.sdf joinout.sdf -s"CN" -at5

Any Idea?

Am 12.12.2011 um 16:31 schrieb Geoffrey Hutchison:

>> I create the joined.sdf as follows: cat *.sdf > joined.txt and then mv 
>> joined.txt joined.sdf
> It's hard to know, but I suspect your *.sdf don't necessarily have the 
> correct $$$ and newline to separate one SDF from another.
> If you don't try to filter, how many molecules does babel find?
> % obabel joined.sdf -O joined.smi
> How many molecules are reported?
> Best regards,
> -Geoff

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