Cmake can generate build files for many different IDEs include Xcode.
Just use the usual command-line (see our build instructions [1]) but
include "-G Xcode" at the start.


The default build is to generate makefiles. If you want to generate a
debug build see also [1]. But if you're using XCode I guess it will do
this for you itself.

- Noel

On 26 November 2011 22:03, Eric Jang <> wrote:
> Hello!
> I was wondering if someone could show me how to build a debuggable version
> of OpenBabel? Specifically I want to step through the obenergy program. I
> asked earlier how to port over to XCode (since that would give me a better
> understanding of where I am and what vars are present), but perhaps I should
> figure out how to compile the debuggable version via CMake or command line
> first.
> if someone could provide me the command sequence and flags I have to add
> that would be fantastic.
> Thanks!
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