I understand what you're saying, but that is on purpose. The library
API is geared towards converting files, rather than returning string
representations for further processing.

- Noel

On 15 September 2011 13:22, Igor Filippov <igor.v.filip...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Speaking of InChI and InChIKey - I noticed that InChIKey calculated
> through libopenbabel (via a Perl script in my case) seems to end with a
> carriage return. Surely the library should return just the InChI or
> InChIKey string without "\n" stuck at the end?
> Igor
> On Thu, 2011-09-15 at 08:07 -0400, Chris Morley wrote:
>> On 05/09/2011 19:27, Ken Smith wrote:
>> In response to this, I have made a few changes to the way OpenBabel
>> calculates InChI.
>> > E.g. for a proton [H+], I get:
>> >
>> > InChI=1S/H/q+1
>> >
>> > But I *think* I should be getting:
>> >
>> > InChI=1S/p+1
>> OB now gives InChI=1S/p+1 which Dmitrii Tchekhovskoi on the
>> InChI-discuss mailing list recommends as correct.
>> > Likewise for protonated molecular hydrogen (whose SMILES notation I
>> > assume is [H][H][H+]).  I'm getting an InChI of:
>> >
>> > InChI=1S/H3/h1H2/q+1
>> >
>> > whereas I'm fairly sure it should be something like:
>> >
>> > InChI=1S/H2/h1H/p+1
>> OB still gives InChI=1S/H3/h1H2/q+1, which is apparently correct for a
>> linear structure.
>> On the other list Dmitrii Tchekhovskoi and Geoff Hutchinson discussed
>> calculating InChIKey directly from an input InChi, rather than going
>> through an OBMol. This is now done by default on the commandline or in
>> the GUI whenever InChI is the input format. There is an option to force
>> a recalculation. (The inchi descriptor behaves as if it always reuses an
>> input InChI.)
>> Chris
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