Hi Noel,

Thanks for the update, and also for the slides! Great presentation! Also I
appreciate you mentioned our study, as you pointed out this is a win-win
situation for both cheminformatic tool developers and database maintainers.
We will probably get back with more test results very soon.

Regarding PubChem molecule 12040015, I just sent a mail to the inchi-discuss
list, as this is indeed an InChI issue I think and it is responsible for
several InChI mismatches from the 878 cases.

All the best,

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Noel O'Boyle [mailto:baoille...@gmail.com]
>Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 5:45 PM
>To: Róbert Kiss
>Cc: openbabel-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
>Subject: Re: [Open Babel] SDF conversion test results
>Hi Robert,
>I've gotten the figure down to 120.
>69 of the remaining problems (as far as I can tell) are due to
>differences between how the InChI code and Open Babel handle the
>situation where you have a tetrahedral center where two of the three
>non-stereo bonds are very close (in angle) to each other. If the angle
>is within 4 degrees (or so), then the InChI binary will mark it as
>ambiguous stereochemistry. Open Babel does not do this - it just works
>out the angle and ploughs ahead. I don't regard this as a bug in Open
>An example of this is 12040015. I guess the source of the problem is
>with the depiction or structure generation - the two bonds should not
>have been placed so close together (GIGO). Note that this is
>reasonable behaviour by the InChI code, but it would have been useful
>if there were an option to turn this off.
>I still have some work to do on the bonds marked "4", but fixing this
>will have little effect on your test set (as you pointed out).
>- Noel
>On 23 August 2011 11:29, Noel O'Boyle <baoille...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I note that Chris has fixed some problems with metals, and we're down
>> to 146 failures.  Of these 57 have a particular substructure that
>> appears to confuse OB.
>> - Noel

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