Hi Robert,

I've gotten the figure down to 120.

69 of the remaining problems (as far as I can tell) are due to
differences between how the InChI code and Open Babel handle the
situation where you have a tetrahedral center where two of the three
non-stereo bonds are very close (in angle) to each other. If the angle
is within 4 degrees (or so), then the InChI binary will mark it as
ambiguous stereochemistry. Open Babel does not do this - it just works
out the angle and ploughs ahead. I don't regard this as a bug in Open

An example of this is 12040015. I guess the source of the problem is
with the depiction or structure generation - the two bonds should not
have been placed so close together (GIGO). Note that this is
reasonable behaviour by the InChI code, but it would have been useful
if there were an option to turn this off.

I still have some work to do on the bonds marked "4", but fixing this
will have little effect on your test set (as you pointed out).

- Noel

On 23 August 2011 11:29, Noel O'Boyle <baoille...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I note that Chris has fixed some problems with metals, and we're down
> to 146 failures.  Of these 57 have a particular substructure that
> appears to confuse OB.
> - Noel

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