> <cmake.out><make.out>

> Linking C shared library ../../../lib/libinchi.dylib
> ld: common symbols not allowed with MH_DYLIB output format with the 
> -multi_module option
> CMakeFiles/inchi.dir/ichicano.o definition of common _pAtomInvariant2ForSort 
> (size 16)
> CMakeFiles/inchi.dir/ichitaut.o definition of common _pn_tRankForSort (size 
> 16)
> /usr/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/libtool: internal link edit command 
> failed

First off, I would suggest that you make sure you have the latest CMake and 
XCode tools installed. What version are you using?

Best regards,

Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
University of Pittsburgh
Office: (412) 648-0492

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