John Kizer <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEEDSINFO                   |CONFIRMED
            Summary|Clicking quickly doesn't    |When extremely small mouse
                   |stop scrolling and          |movements are made while
                   |sometimes adds speed        |clicking to try to stop
                   |                            |"flick" scrolling, the
                   |                            |scrolling accelerates
                   |                            |instead
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1
         Resolution|WAITINGFORINFO              |---

--- Comment #4 from John Kizer <> ---
(In reply to littlegreendude55 from comment #3)
> For sure! It must be that there is a small amount of mouse movement during
> the click, but it feels very wrong to me. I can't replicate if I pick my
> mouse up.

Thanks! I see how it's working on your system - and I can reproduce that an
extremely small amount of mouse movement made while clicking causes
acceleration, and that it does consistently stop if the mouse is picked up (so
there's definitely no cursor movement).

I retitled to the behavior that it seems we can both confirm, if that makes
sense to you as well. This would be a usability benefit to look into, I
believe, especially for folks who may have trouble clicking their pointing
device without any motion. Thanks!

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