--- Comment #4 from Iizuki <> ---
That is weird yeah, but it gave me a debugging idea.

I have the following configuration in

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
     <family>Noto Sans</family>
     <family>Noto Color Emoji</family>
     <family>Noto Emoji</family>

     <family>Noto Serif</family>
     <family>Noto Color Emoji</family>
     <family>Noto Emoji</family>

    <family>Noto Mono</family>
    <family>Noto Color Emoji</family>
    <family>Noto Emoji</family>

The point is just to use color emojis where-ever possible.

Disabling that conf makes the export work, only with a black and white teapot
emoji before and after. The files exported with the conf enabled still don't
show anything. There's just no (selectable) character in the PDF.

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