El dimarts, 23 de juliol del 2024, a les 12:46:59 (CEST), Andy Sardina va 
> Hi,
>    I have used Okular recently to fill a PDF form and I haven't found a way
> (in the UI) to adjust the font size for text fields. This is a problem
> because for some text fields, specially the ones where one has to write an
> address, even if the text fits perfectly in the Okular::FormLineEdit, when
> it gets rendered, the text could be cut.
>  For example:
> [image: form-show.png]
> but when the form is hidden:
> [image: form-hidden.png]
> The problem seems to be that the font (and font size) for the
> Okular::FormLineEdit is different from the one in the Default Appearance
> (DA) in the PDF.
> My proposal is to take advantage of the method
> Poppler::FormFieldText::setTextFontSize to adjust the font size in
> the PopplerFormFieldText (Poppler Generator).
> Ideally, Poppler::FormFieldText could have a member function that returns a
> pointer (to avoid duplicating the same object if many text files share the
> same font) to
> the font defined in the DA (implies changes in Poppler itself). This font
> can then be used on the constructor of Okular::FormLineEdit to "sync" both
> fonts.
> What do you think? Is this a change that could be accepted?

Setting the font & font size is possibly a valid feature, we do that already 
for annotations so i don't see why we would not do it for Forms.

What you suggest of sharing pointers between poppler and okular, that's 
possibly a bad idea.


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