El dimecres, 17 de juliol del 2024, a les 7:26:20 (CEST), Laura David Hurka va 
> On Wed, 17 Jul 2024 11:01:53 +0800 Wen Chang wrote:
> > I can do it that way by saving the changes in a backup file.
> > 
> > I would like to know why modifying the file on disk without user
> > interaction is a bad idea based on your experience.
> > 
> > Also, I noticed that VSCode automatically saves changes once they are
> > made.
> > To my knowledge, only the file that the user is working on will be
> > modified.
> > 
> > What drawbacks would there be if a file is directly modified without user
> > interaction?
> Drawback would be that it is unusual and unexpected for many users (unless
> the user explicitly configured it that way).
> Imagine you have a form that you need to fill out often, and then just print
> once.
> If changes are saved automatically, you can’t use the file the next time
> anymore, because it is already filled.
> It would also not make much sense with “Open...”, “Save”, and “Save As...”.

Exactly, auto save is just not how desktop software generally works.


> Laura

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