--- Comment #7 from Rafael Linux User <> ---
Following your instructions, I have found that they have used "PDFCreator" to create the PDF, so I get the impression that they must be using an
old version of "MSWord" or, less likely, are unaware of the "Convert to PDF"
function of their word processor (they can only be using either MSOffice or
OpenOffice/LibreOffice, which are "official" in the company).

I took some additional time to check browsers internal PDF reader. "EDGE" (for
Linux), "Chrome" and "Chromium" all them shows right marked checkboxes with
symbol "✓". "Firefox" too, but shows an "✕" symbol instead.

To make sure it's not my computer and not to waste anyone's time, I even
checked on a computer also running openSUSE but outdated, if Okular behaves the
same, and it does. On that PC "Okular" is version 21.08.3.

Any other thing I can do, please, aks me.


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