--- Comment #5 from Saladin Shaban <> ---
Diggin some more into the issue:

The problem now is the way TinyTextEntity's are sorted according to their
positions from left to right. This seems to be crucial to the text selection
logic, and cannot be changed without extensive modifications.

I'm not sure about the right way to proceed from here. Some possibilities are:

1- Reorder the text in the Find bar before performing a search, with Qt's
equivalent of fribidi_reorder_line().

2- For text-based documents, delegate search and selection to the QTextDocument
class itself.

3- Skip sorting the text entities, and adjust the search and selection methods

The first option is the least intrusive, while the second seems to offer
greater possibilities, like handling the peculiarities of Arabic search and
other languages:

QTextDocument doesn't seem to support these yet, but it's something I might be
able to contribute to Qt.

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