Bernard, can you explain more precisely what it is that you need?
Without it I don't think you will get a better answer.

Sorry for this: I just found your last email which gives more information.
Let me digest those first.

Maybe open a feature request at -- that's more easily kept track 

That I think is still a good idea.



On 29.05.23 21:49, Laura David Hurka wrote:
Hi Bernard,

I don’t know exactly what overprinting is, or what your requirements are.
I understand it as a feature similar to PDF layers.
Okular has a side panel for layers, you can try it with the last page of what
a quick internet search gave me:

I assume your requirement is to display the document correctly, only on your
screen of your local desktop computer.

My conclusion is that Poppler (the PDF library normally used by Okular) will
need to support “overprinting”.
If a user interface is necessary, that should be a sensible addition to
Okular, similar to how layers already have a user interface.

Cheers, David

Hi everyone,

We are currently supporting a very old version of 32 bit adobe reader on
our ubuntu 22.04/kde desktops, due to the requirement for support for a PDF
feature called "Overprint" which is used by our label printing supplier (I
work for an Australian winery)


Is this feature something Okular would be interested in developing?

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