
now I've "managed" to reproduce the original problem - okular run in
background from konsole fails:

~/publications/2008/testbeam results> okular text.dvi

~/publications/2008/testbeam results> ... enter was pressed here ...

[1]+  Stopped                 okular text.dvi

An empty window of Okular stays hanging afterwards. Its title is Okular
istead of the filename. If I run it without the "&" everything is OK. I'm
running KDE 4.1.00 and Okular 0.7. The file text.dvi is in the attachment.

Thanks, Kaspi.

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Pino Toscano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Which KDE and Okular versions?
> Can you attach a sample document showing the issue?

My web page: http://cern.ch/jkaspar/
My cell phone: +4176 206 5932

Attachment: text.dvi
Description: TeX dvi file

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