List update september bisa didownload di attachment atau di :

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Ada paket semua trading resources seharga 2,5 juta dalam harddisk 
atau Rp. 1.750.000 dalam harddisk 160gb (dvd diconver dalam avi).
Paket semua trading resources seharga Rp. 2.000.000 dalam dvd dan cd.

List item baru september (paket semua update september Rp. 250.000)
David Novac DVD : Building Wealth in The Stock Market (2 DVD)
Fast Track Forex Secrets Exposed Course
FX Street Webinar : Emerging Market Currencies
FX Street Webinar : Entering and Exiting Your Trades
FX Street Webinar : Forex Swing Trading, Low Risk  High Reward Trading
In The Largest
FX Street Webinar : Futures Vs Forex
FX Street Webinar : Index Investing for Forex Traders
FX Street Webinar : Institutional Trading Strategies
FX Street Webinar : Institutional Trading Strategies- The -Smart 
Stop- System
FX Street Webinar : Intermarket Relationships
FX Street Webinar : Longer-term Support and Resistance Trading Setups 
and Rules
FX Street Webinar : Price Patterns
FX Street Webinar : Stocks for currency traders
INO TV : Synergetic Technical Analysis - Volume 1 - 3
INO TV : The Mechanics of Futures Trading
INO TV : Trading as a Business
INO TV : Trading Options Effectively Vol 1 - 4
Moneyshow : Narrowing the Field to Find the Best Trading Opportunities
Moneyshow : Seven Steps To A Successful Trade: How You Can Outperform
The Market With Less Risk
Moneyshow : The 90-Minute Trader Tactics for the Intraday Trader
Moneyshow : The Only Indicator You Will Ever Need to Use to Produce
Income Consistently
Risk Doctor : Strategy 1 - The Versatile Vertical
Risk Doctor : Strategy 2 - Straddles & Strangles (Dynamic Gamma 
Risk Doctor : Strategy 3 - Practical Uses of the Greeks
Risk Doctor : Strategy 4 - Butterflies, Condors & Other Wing Spreads
Risk Doctor : Strategy 5 - Calendar Configurations
Risk Doctor : Strategy 6 - Advanced Hybrid Hedge Strategies
Risk Doctor : Strategy 7 - Nuances of the Implied Volatility Skew

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