msh binun pk IRC...lom bisa konek pula...
kalo YM hayu aja.....


On 7/29/08, Rully <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   jmIrc is a an open source J2ME MIDlet allowing Blackberry and cell
> phone owners to use IRC wirelessly. IRC stands for Internet Relay
> Chat, a chat system that enables people connected anywhere on the
> Internet to join in live discussions. It is programmed for use on
> all MIDP 1.0 devices, thus it will work on the Blackberry but does
> not utilize Blackberry specific features.
> This project started as a fork of Sverre Valskrå's WLIrc but
> eventually led to be a complete rewrite project. Its aim is to be as
> small and lightweight as possible still trying to maintain the ease
> of use and all needed features. At the same time it tries to be some
> kind of hybrid implementing all the most useful features from other
> clients.
> Download the program “Over-The-Air†with your Blackberry browser
> at
> Salam,
> Rully
> PS: nama chatroom di IRC adalah #obrolanbandar
> --- In <>,
> "Nyaham Dong"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Kalau YM bisa diakses dengan BBerry. Kalo mIRC bisa juga gak pak?
> >
> >
> >
> > On 7/28/08, Rully <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Mbah, minta maap, thread ini nggak nyambung sama dunia saham,
> tapi sangat
> > > berhubungan dengan para pelaku di dunia saham, jadi mohon ijin
> Mbah untuk
> > > dilanjutkan diskusinya...
> > >

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