*Oil price is mainly driven by two kind of news, Fundamental and incidental.
Fundamental issues are like Oil Reserve, production, USD valuation, off
shore drilling plan (still banned by the US senate). The others are
incidental issues like "Prez X says war against America", "Y militant rebels
attack oil wells", "tanker Z has delayed transportation because of storm",

I see most of the news about oil recently are incidental, which is
fundamentally weak, in other words, can be reversed easily (with another
incidental good news). The other thing is USD is well maintained since April
against Euro and Yen.

I know, in the long run crude oil is still bullish but not at this pace. US
economy is currently still weak so I guess the only reason why it's still
lingering above $140 is only because of SPECULATION. And you know who did
this. Yeah, those banks who get smacked down by credit crunch.

Just my 2 cents, so no disclaimer.. lol..

2008/6/30 JsxTrader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> DOW jatuh karena harga minyak naik.., jadi kalau minyak turun
harusnya DOW rebound.., begitu kah? sebab SEPINTAS saya melihat ada
tanda-tanda minyak akan koreksi (pls see attachment).
> Meskipun MACD baru saja goldencross & Candle membentuk pola bullish
engulfing dua bar sebelumnya, tapi saya juga melihat ada divergence negative
antara price dgn macd & volume..., mudah2an tarikan garis saya cukup
obyektif dan tdk dipengaruhi oleh harapan saya... he.he
> Any Comment? Pak Tasrul, Pak Alfatih, and Others.
> Salam,
> JsxTrader
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Tasrul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 10:43:08
> Subject: MyLRI RE: DJIA Update
> DOW 27 Juni 06 tutup di 11,346.51,ada peluang untuk reversal (lihat target
MACD…kemungkinan pertama  di 11,346.21).. jika tidak mampu reversal maka
target berikut di 10,758.75
> Juga terlampir DJIA untuk posisi akhir (27 Juni 08)
> Tasrul
                                                        PT. Overseas
> Research
Plaza Bapindo Mandiri Tower Lt.16

                            Jl. Jend.Sudirman Kav.54-55

         Jakarta – 12190, Indonesia

                                     Phone 62.21.5277008

                                     Fax    62.21.5277009
> DISCLAIMER: This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential
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e-mail from your system. Please note that any views or opinions presented in
this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent
those of the company. PT. Overseas Securities accepts no liability for any
damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.
> ________________________________
> From: Tasrul
> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 11:16 AM
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com'; '
> Subject: DJIA Update
> Dear All,
> Peluang penurunan DJIA meskipun terlihat masih ada namun peluang
penurunannya makin kecil. Support terdekat di 11,346.26 dan jika ini tembus
berpeluang ke 10,758.75, Semua indikator kecuali MACD Optimasi (yakni W%R
Optimasi dan MFI Optimasi ) telah berada di Oversold Area.
> Semoga membantu…
> Tasrul
                                                        PT. Overseas
> Research
Plaza Bapindo Mandiri Tower Lt.16

                            Jl. Jend.Sudirman Kav.54-55

         Jakarta – 12190, Indonesia

                                     Phone 62.21.5277008

                                     Fax    62.21.5277009
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