kalo menurut saya . . . besok gak rally soalnya libur . . .
hari ini rally lah . . .
paling up deh . . .

we'll see . . .

--- Charles Atmaja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kalau menurutku si hari in ANTM belum Rally dulu...
> kemaren naik banyak sekali ditambah dow MERAH kereng...
> Saya rasa bakal ada koreksi dikit karena ada take profit juga...
> mungkin besok baru rally...
> Menurut Embah gimana? CMIIW
> Maklum... newbie yg nyoba tebak2an :)
> Saya percaya ama Embah aja deh :)
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: William Tevez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 7:19:27 AM
> Subject: [obrolan-bandar] hari ini ANTM rally lagi siap2 TP 4500; 4850;
> 5100 TP 6000
> Jakarta, February 14, 2008 - PT Antam Tbk (ASX-ATM; IDX-ANTM) makes this
> announcement with regards to news stories published earlier today
> concerning Antam's potential acquisition of a minority stake in PT Freeport
> Indonesia (PTFI), which owns and operates the Grasberg gold and copper mine
> in Papua, Indonesia. 
> Today's news stories reported that Antam was awarded the right to buy 20%
> of PTFI.  Antam wishes to clarify that it has not been awarded the right to
> buy 20% of PTFI, but that it has received the verbal support of Indonesia's
> Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Mr. Sofyan Djalil in making an
> acquisition of the 9.36% stake in PTFI held by PT Indocopper Investama,
> should Antam wish to do so.  Freeport yesterday apparently indicated it was
> ready to sell the 9.36% stake and that it had yet to receive any offers
> from either the government or private parties.  Mr. Sofyan Djalil made his
> comments today while attending an annual internal meeting of Antam's senior
> managers.
> Antam's President Director, Mr. Dedi Aditya Sumanagara said,
> "We continue to look at all the opportunities to acquire gold assets in
> Indonesia as part of our gold acquisition plans, including the possibility
> of acquiring a stake in PTFI, a possibility we have known about for many
> years.  If the price of the investment is right, if it fits with our growth
> plans and will create value, we will make this investment, but more work
> still needs to be done to assess this opportunity.  We are financially and
> strategically ready to grow and have many opportunities.  We will choose
> the best acquisitions for our shareholders. "
> The possible sale of the stake held by Indocopper, a wholly-owned
> subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan, is not part of the divestment program of
> the Contract of Work granted to Freeport.   Antam understands that Freeport
> is currently under no obligation to sell the 9.36% stake in PTFI.
> Antam is also considering the potential of acquiring another 9.36% stake in
> PTFI currently held by the Indonesian Government, with the possibility of
> eventually owning 18.72% in PTFI. 
> Today's news stories have misquoted Antam's Finance Director as regards to
> the value of the 9.36% stake.  The Finance Director was talking about
> calculations conducted three years ago and only mentioned a range of
> valuations, not a specific number.  If Antam decides to pursue the
> investment in PTFI a proper due diligence will be conducted to determine
> the appropriate valuation and the best funding alternatives.  
> Antam's financial profile is robust, as evidenced by Moody's recently
> upgrading Antam's rating to Ba3.  As at the end of the first nine months of
> 2007 Antam had cash and cash equivalents of Rp4.4 trillion (US$475m) and a
> long term debt ratio of 7%.  Antam is ready to make growth investments.
> Antam and Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Co. Ltd recently announced a
> joint bid for Herald Resources Ltd. at A$2.50 per share.  Antam holds a
> 10.7% stake in Herald Resources.  A Bidder's Statement and details on
> Antam's Shareholder Meeting to approve the acquisition will be provided
> shortly.
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