Kalau menurutku si hari in ANTM belum Rally dulu...
kemaren naik banyak sekali ditambah dow MERAH kereng...

Saya rasa bakal ada koreksi dikit karena ada take profit juga...
mungkin besok baru rally...

Menurut Embah gimana? CMIIW
Maklum... newbie yg nyoba tebak2an :)
Saya percaya ama Embah aja deh :)

----- Original Message ----
From: William Tevez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 7:19:27 AM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] hari ini ANTM rally lagi siap2 TP 4500; 4850; 5100 TP 

Jakarta, February 14, 2008 - PT Antam Tbk (ASX-ATM; IDX-ANTM) makes this 
announcement with regards to news stories published earlier today concerning 
Antam's potential acquisition of a minority stake in PT Freeport Indonesia 
(PTFI), which owns and operates the Grasberg gold and copper mine in Papua, 
Today's news stories reported that Antam was awarded the right to buy 20% of 
PTFI.  Antam wishes to clarify that it has not been awarded the right to buy 
20% of PTFI, but that it has received the verbal support of Indonesia's 
Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Mr. Sofyan Djalil in making an acquisition 
of the 9.36% stake in PTFI held by PT Indocopper Investama, should Antam wish 
to do so.  Freeport yesterday apparently indicated it was ready to sell the 
9.36% stake and that it had yet to receive any offers from either the 
government or private parties.  Mr. Sofyan Djalil made his comments today while 
attending an annual internal meeting of Antam's senior managers.
Antam's President Director, Mr. Dedi Aditya Sumanagara said,
"We continue to look at all the opportunities to acquire gold assets in 
Indonesia as part of our gold acquisition plans, including the possibility of 
acquiring a stake in PTFI, a possibility we have known about for many years.  
If the price of the investment is right, if it fits with our growth plans and 
will create value, we will make this investment, but more work still needs to 
be done to assess this opportunity.  We are financially and strategically ready 
to grow and have many opportunities.  We will choose the best acquisitions for 
our shareholders. "
The possible sale of the stake held by Indocopper, a wholly-owned subsidiary of 
Freeport-McMoRan, is not part of the divestment program of the Contract of Work 
granted to Freeport.   Antam understands that Freeport is currently under no 
obligation to sell the 9.36% stake in PTFI.
Antam is also considering the potential of acquiring another 9.36% stake in 
PTFI currently held by the Indonesian Government, with the possibility of 
eventually owning 18.72% in PTFI. 
Today's news stories have misquoted Antam's Finance Director as regards to the 
value of the 9.36% stake.  The Finance Director was talking about calculations 
conducted three years ago and only mentioned a range of valuations, not a 
specific number.  If Antam decides to pursue the investment in PTFI a proper 
due diligence will be conducted to determine the appropriate valuation and the 
best funding alternatives.  
Antam's financial profile is robust, as evidenced by Moody's recently upgrading 
Antam's rating to Ba3.  As at the end of the first nine months of 2007 Antam 
had cash and cash equivalents of Rp4.4 trillion (US$475m) and a long term debt 
ratio of 7%.  Antam is ready to make growth investments.
Antam and Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Co. Ltd recently announced a joint 
bid for Herald Resources Ltd. at A$2.50 per share.  Antam holds a 10.7% stake 
in Herald Resources.  A Bidder's Statement and details on Antam's Shareholder 
Meeting to approve the acquisition will be provided shortly.

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