Para Kolegaku yth: 

kutipan-kutipan berikut bermanfaat bagi kita dan saya yang baru saja
memulai dengan serius untuk melakukan "TRADING RIGHT".   Dr. Alexander
Edler, dosen dan Psikiater, dan sekaligus pemain bursa yang telah
memeroleh untung dari bursa USA, menulis buku "Trading For A Living :
Psychology, Trading Tactics, Money Management" (1992, J. Willey &
Sons, Inc)".   Anggaplah kutipan-kutipan berikut ini sebagai pemerkuat
apa yang sudah Bapak/Ibu ketahui dan laksanakan, atau sebagai
Secondary/Contrary Opinion bila Bpk/Ibu punya pendapat lain. Saya
sengaja tidak terjemahkan agar nuansanya tidak hilang.

(1)     Successful trading stands on three pillars : Psychology, Market
Analysis and Trading System, and Money Management.
(2)     MANAGEMENT OF EMOTIONS.  The essential element of winning - the
management of emotions. To be a good trader, you need to trade with
your eyes open, recognize real trends and turns, and not waste time or
energy on regrets and wishful thingking. A succesful trader is a
realist.  He knows his abilities and limitations. . . . . . Make
realistic plans.  The markets are unforgiving. An emotional trading
always results in losses. The traders who can make money consistently
. . . . . .  approaching trading from the perpective of a mental
(3)     GOALS and MISSION.  Decide that you are in the market for the long
haul.  Your first goal  must be long-term survival, the second: steady
growth of capital, the third : making high profit. Learn as much as
you can.  Do not greedy and rush to trade - take your time to learn. 
Develop a method for analyzing the market, anduUse several analitic
methods to confirm trades. 
(4)     PERSONALITY.  Change is hard, but if you want to be a professional
trader, you have to work on changing your personality. Be aware that a
trader is the weakest link in any trading system.  Winners think,
feel, and act differently than losers. You must look within your self,
strip away your illusions, and changing your old ways of being,
thinking, and acting.  
(5)     MARKET ANALYSIS and TRADING SYSTEM.   You can succeed in trading
only if you handle it as a serious intellectual persuit.  Emotional
trading is lethal.  Trading is a fascinating intellectual persuit :
chess, poker, and a crossworld rolled in one. Trading attracts people
who love puzzles and brainteasers.  Succesful traders keep honing
(mengasah) their skills.  Your trades must be based on clearly defined
rules.  You have to analyze your feelings as you trade, to make sure
that your decision are intellectually sounds. Do not make decisions
during trading hours.  Plan a trade, trade a plan.  You need personal
discipline to follow your trading plan  and avoid getting high in the
(6)     MONEY MANAGEMENT. You have to structure your money management so
that no string of losses can kick you out of the game. A neurotic
gambler always loses because he tries to re-create that omnipotent
feeling of bliss instead of concentrating on a realistic long-term
game plan. The key sign of gambling is the inability to resist the
urge to bet.  If you feel that you are trading too much and the
results are poor, STOP TRADING for a MONTH.   A looser is not
undercapitalized - his mind is underdeveloped.  Many losers think that
they would be successful if they could trade bigger account. 
(7)     RISK MANAGEMENT.  .  Each trade has to be handled like a surgical
procedure - seriously, soberly, without sloppiness or shortcuts.  You
need to concentrate on trading right -  and not on money. The goal of
a successful  professional in any field is to reach his personal best
- to become the best doctor, the best lawyer, or the best trader.
Money flows to them almost as an afterthought.  

Semoga bermanfaat.  A succesful New York trader said : "If I become
half percent smarter each year, I'll be a genius by the time I die".  

Regards and Danke, 

--- In, "abdulrahim abdulrahim"
> On Jan 11, 2008 10:43 AM, jsx_consultant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Note:
> >  - Embah PERCAYA pada apa yg pak Rajauang katakan, jika kita
> >  pemain GEDE, maka bandar akan tau kita beli saham APA, diharga
> >  BERAPA, dengan MARGIN berapa ?. Network mereka sepertinya
> >  bagus sekali, mungkin karena mereka udah LAMA established.
> Hmm. Bisa dimaklumi kalau investor/ trader, khususnya yang mengelola
> dana besar (bandar) memberikan perhatian khusus terhadap investor
> pemodal gede.
> Beberapa pertanyaan:
> 1. Bagaimana kalau investor yang memiliki modal besar memasukkan
> modalnya ke beberapa sekuritas seperti yang dilakukan oleh TBumi,
> apakah bandar bisa melacak pergerakan investor yang mengatur
> penempatan modalnya seperti itu?
> 2. Kira2 berapa range modal yang dianggap GEDE oleh bandar ya Mbah?
> Mohon ada yang jawab ya. Mungkin para investor yang sekiranya suka
> dijahilin oleh bandar bisa terbantu untuk mengatur ulang strateginya.
> Ngomong2 soal margin. Beberapa waktu lalu, saya tidak sengaja margin.
> Dapet cuan lumayan lho hehehe. Saya tidak merasakan tekanan, karena:
> - saya memang yakin bahwa saham yang saya masuki dengan margin itu
akan naik
> - dalam beberapa hari lagi, waktu itu, saya ada tambahan amunisi yang
> bisa menutup margin tersebut
> Tanpa kedua hal tersebut di atas kayaknya sih saya akan NGAMUK di
> sekuritas saya he.he.he. So meskipun saya dapat cuan dari margin saya
> sih merekomendasikan: LUPAKAN MARGIN.

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