Hi Elaine,
How do you do?
i hope your rejoin will make another color to this group, again,
and off course, this year i hope with more calm temper :-D .
hehehe ...

and how about your challenge of naked pics ?
i quote from your post,
"*I'll give you my nude pic if JCI does NOT go down below 2400 in the next 3 months.*"

or you can see in this link to remind

hehehe ...
sorry, i don't mean to offend.
i got the pictures anyway. i just curious.
perhaps you can share your projection of market in this year.


Elaine wrote:
I don't have to prove anything, right? And don't challenge me.

Any smart investor here would know that IHSG performance lately is very ABNORMAL. Out of sync. The biggest cap in BEI is downed * -20%* from its highest. Once called "the safest" stock, this "DEFENSIVE" one I'm talking about here is not playing defense anymore.

Once the defense is breached, things will get ugly. Other defensive stocks WILL follow.

Thanks to new IPOs and BUMI/ANTM "race", the IHSG is saved until the closing bell of 2007. It has NEVER been like this before, so you might not be prepared. If there weren't any race, IHSG would be 2400,.. or worse.

Now, I want answers from you. WHICH stock/sector *would defend *the IHSG? Can we count on mining (again?), cpo? utility? property? banks? My answer is NO. Not yet.

Btw, I create statements. YOU are the one who were overreacting. :) If you believe in your stocks, *hold'em tight*, or you may want to stay away. Whether you want to hold or sell, it's not my business.

I am not evil. I don't like bears either, but I'd be the first to warn. You'll be glad if I am around, than hearing sweet "lies"...


*/Thanks Embah for allowing me to be here again./

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