agus halim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               
Kalau minus segitu seminggu berturut2, berasa juga, hehehhe.. Anywan index udah 
minus hampir seminggu.. it means...

 ----- Original Message ----
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 10:39:39 AM

Minus cuma 1%-2% sih belum kerasa apa2....

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dean Earwicker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re:Bearish in mind? Well, the majority is 
USUALLY wrong..

Iya ya kecepetan postingnya..hehe... belum ada yang depresi  kayanya...


On Dec 17, 2007 9:13 AM, Veter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    Bung DE,
> Tenang aja ini masih masa denial, ada yang bilang turun, ada yang bilang
> tetap naik, ada yang bilang Cuma sebentar…..:), nanti kalo udah pada 
> depresi
> baru sah bottomnya. Have a nice day
> Salam
> JV
> * *
> *Bearish in mind? Well, the majority is USUALLY wrong.. 
> *<;_ylc=X3oDMTJyb2xhOWZmBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzE2NTIzNTUEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDAxNzc5BG1zZ0lkAzUxODE4BHNlYwNkbXNnBHNsawN2bXNnBHN0aW1lAzExOTc4MjQxMzU->
> **
> *Posted by: "Dean Earwicker" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> earwicker_dean <>*
> *Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:32 am (PST) *
> Bearish in mind? Good. I like when everybody think of bearish, because
> majority is usually *wrong*. You know, most of smart players  out there are
> Successful trader is the one who masters the *herding game.* Read the
> article below, and you'll understand what it's about. Read it real slow
> and
> carefully.
> *
> After you read the article below, get a piece of paper and a pencil, and
> write down THREE of the most HATED and LOVED stocks. Whatever you write,
> these stocks are supposed to be NOT ON YOUR PORTFOLIO.
> Why?
> Love and hate are personal and sentimental. When you get sentimental, you
> will be irrational. When you get irrational, you lose.
> So go ahead, read the article :)
> *
> Regards,
> DE
> *
> "The Majority is Usually Wrong"*
>  At first it may be difficult to accept such a statement as fact. So let us
> pursue the subject a bit. Let us start by dividing the population of this
> planet into two groups, the minority and the majority.
> It would seem that only a minority of the people on this planet have the
> ability and ambition to study hard, to figure out ways to accumulate
> wealth,
> and to raise their standard of living. The majority are apparently unable
> or
> unwilling to acquire the knowledge and take the action which would enable
> them to do the same.
> Another difficulty of the majority is the herd instinct which they follow.
> The
> desire to go along with a large group is evident among people and animals.
> This
> is caused by the idea that there is safety in numbers – to think and act
> like the majority of other people. Anyone who dares to be different  from
> the
> crowd is not considered to be "normal."
> One of the big troubles with modern society is the conformity of ideas and
> action. I call it the mediocrity of conformity. Many people are actually
> afraid to be different – to pursue unusual ideas. But the road to success
> is
> paved with unusual ideas, and traveled by unusual people who dare to be
> different. In our modern society it frequently pays to be unusual and
> different.
> Another trouble with the majority is that they have a tendency to believe
> what they are told, especially if something is repeated frequently. The
> majority find it is easier to accept the statements of others than to
> think
> for themselves.
> The minority, who do not believe what they are told, must put forth
> intensive effort in their search for truth and knowledge. Sometimes the
>  quest for knowledge is like sailing on an uncharted sea with nothing to
> guide you except the facts you learn as you go along. The success of your
> voyage depends on how well you can separate facts from fantasy, how well
> you
> can analyze the facts you discover, and how well you use them to reach the
> right conclusions.
> In the stock market, the majority are inclined to believe what they are
> told
> in the form of tips, rumors and advice. The minority believe only what
> they
> know to be facts, and then reach their own conclusions by analyzing those
> facts.
> Still another weakness of the majority is their disbelief in change. Most
> people do not expect or prepare for changes in the status quo. They
> believe
> that things will continue indefinitely just as they are right now. When
> the
> stock market goes up, the majority  expect it to continue going up
> indefinitely. They do not bother to think about the time when the market
> will change its course and turn downward.
> At the same time, the minority know that change is inevitable, and they
> are
> looking ahead, trying to figure how to tell when the market makes the
> change, and planning what actions they will take at that time. The
> minority
> know that every bull market has been followed by a bear market, and that
> every bear market had been followed by a bull market. The successful
> investor must possess a mind which is flexible enough to accept changing
> conditions.
> The majority of investors are almost paralyzed by their opinions, because
> it
> is difficult to change an opinion which is well established. When a person
> has a definite opinion, there is the danger that he might not be able to
>  change it until too late to take the proper action.
> Almost everybody tries to form an opinion of the market. Many investors
> are
> constantly gathering information to help them form the correct opinion. As
> the opinion forms, the investor subconsciously becomes more receptive to
> the
> ideas, which help to substantiate his opinion.
> There are always plenty of arguments for both sides of a case. Since the
> equal acceptance of arguments from both sides would result in frustrating
> confusion, a person must choose which to accept. Frequently a person
> accepts the arguments which support his own opinion, and he ignores the
> opposite side of the case. It is human nature to do so. Many people
> actively consider and publicize only the arguments which will support
> their
> opinions. The process is called rationalization.
> The majority  seem to have an uncanny ability to buy near the top of a bull
> market, and sell near the bottom of a bear market. Apparently that is the
> way things must be, otherwise who would the minority sell their stocks to
> near the top – and who would they buy stocks from near the bottom?
> One should try to think and act like the minority, for there is little
> hope
> for the success of the majority. There is not enough room at the top for
> the
> majority.
> Realizing that the majority is usually wrong in their action near the tops
> of bull markets and the bottoms of bear markets, I looked for ways to
> recognize majority action at those points I also looked for a way of
> timing
> the contrary action to be taken at those points. It would not be enough
> just
> to recognize when the majority was wrong. One must also recognize exactly
> when the  majority was wrong enough to take the contrary action.
> The words above are not mine. This was a quote from *The Haller Theory of
> Stock Market Trends* 1965, by Gilbert Haller. Recently, I have been
> showing
> you a few charts on advancing volume and advancing issues. I referred to
> this as market fuel. Mr. Haller's work only recently became known to me by
> one of my old time technical friends. He suggested that I read Mr.
> Haller's
> book. What I found in this book served to reinforce what I have been
> sharing with you over the last few weeks about the lack of confirmation
> from
> upside volume and advancing issues. As it turns out, Mr. Haller's work was
> solidly based on the use of volume and advancing-declining issues. Mr.
> Haller used these indicators to show him when the market was under
> distribution as is now the case. My point here is that in  spite of all the
> hype from mainstream and popular public opinion the underlying volume and
> advance-decline work is telling us something else and now does not appear
> to
> be a time to be in alignment with the majority. Given that Mr. Haller's
> work was based on what I have recently been presenting to you as "Market
> Fuel" plus the fact that I currently have a contrary opinion on the market
> I
> felt that the above quote was appropriate. I hope that you are able to
> find
> some value in it.

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