Indonesia was thirst with cash, then govt sold its asset thru Sukardi.
KPPU was asked to close eyes. No national companies was afford to buy.
Now pocket is full. Many natl companies can buy it. Then KPPU is asked
to scrutinize monopoly things as a reason to kick out Temasek which is
guessed undemine national security with their ability to ear official
govt phone conversations. I agree.
This country is bigger than favourable investing condition for foreign
investors. Let it be.

> Ngomong2...kenapa ya dulu yg dijual bukan Satelindonya
> sendiri...jika kinerja orang2 eks Sat-c lebih prof ?
> sehingga masih perlu dibungkus oleh Induk = ISAT ?
> masalah hutangkah ?
> atau memang sengaja mo dibuang 2-2 nya ?
> CMIWW :-)
> Tks

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