yg dijualpun tidak banyak kalo ga salah maks 5%, anggep aja Temasek 
'dipaksa profit taking'
ISAT ngebut hari ini ....

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "agoes_htm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Indosat: Temasek likely to keep stake in Telkomsel but divest stake 
> Indosat - report
> Indosat, the Indonesian-based telecom, will likely be sold if 
> fails to appeal judgment by anti-monopoly watchdog group, reported 
> Straits Times.  <br>Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU), the 
> Indonesian anti-monopoly watchdog, ruled against Temasek on Monday 
> noting 
> that the company had violated foreign ownership laws through its 
> in 
> Indosat and Telkomsel. As a result of the decision, Indosat may be 
> forced 
> to sell off either its stake in Indosat or its stake in Telkomsel. A 
> Citigroup report noted that the Telkomsel business was much more 
> valuable 
> than the business of Indosat.
> Source :  Strait Times

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