Saya setuju 100% dgn pak "ngesot"...Pak DE, we're with you all the time & 
thanks for all your postings in this mailist. THIS is my homework! 

investor_ngesot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
walau newbie saya selalu mencermati info2 dari pak DE utk proses 

gimana sih ??? katanya pelaku bursa ingin mendidik 'saving society' 
menjadi 'investing society', info2 spt pak DE itu justru yang bikin 
orang cepat pinter !!!!

maju terus pak DE. it's a free country... pesan sponsor itu basi 
banget.. (jaman ORBA).

salam investing

--- In, "Diocqo Peter" 
> Wah,
> "assault" macam apa ini? dari pihak2 yang dirugikan kah? atau dari 
pihak yang gak ngerti sama omongan pak DE?
> Pak DE jangan sampe ikut2an hilang dong.
> Semoga "out for now"-nya bener2 'for now' aja, bukan "for good".
> Milis ini udah banyak keilangan orang2 yang kita segani.
> Semoga pak DE tetap posting di milis OB.
> Man I hate this, but..
> ..due to recent "assault" found in my inbox, please disregard ALL 
my previous posts, hints, predictions and recommendations. They were 
not intended for newbies or even veterans. As a matter fact they were 
not intended to be applied by anyone. Please stick to common 
techniques like TA and FA. All I can say is, do your homework and 
trust nobody but yourself. 
> I hope this will be the best for everyone. Bill, thanks for the 
> DE out for now.
> Regards,
> DE
> O.


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and lay it on us.

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