*My view? are you sure you want to hear it?

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:58 PM, EB™ <edbami...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Kalo EL sudah tidak invest di IDX lagi, tolong donk diberikab view tentang
> IDX utk 3 bulan kedepan.
> Dengan kondisi sudah tidak invest harusnya EL bisa kasi view yang netral
> sehingga bisa bantu supaya tidak nyasar ditambah lagi peta dari embah jadi
> makin kinclong deh....
> Regards,
> EB
> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung
> Teruuusss...!
> ------------------------------
> *From*: "b3tonsportz"
> *Date*: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 01:40:41 -0000
> *To*: <obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
> *Subject*: Re: [ob] Mbah, sebenernya apa si yang mentrigger kenaikan hari
> ini?
> --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com <obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com>,
> Elaine Sui <elainesu...@...> wrote:
> >
> > *What? No. I 'left' IDX but not OB. [?]
> >
> > I just want to see whether in this 3Q the rally is sustainable or not,
> > that's all. I see many crazy (greedy) buyers today so I decide to
> liquidate
> > what was left on my portfolios. Yes, I know you must think that I did a
> bad
> > move, I mean selling in the middle of a strong rally? what the hell?
> lolz..
> >
> > But I believe in my sources and my own analysis. Just like you, JT.
> Believe
> > only in ourself. After all, my targets are already met, I'm happy, my
> > investors are happy, you, art and OB are happy.
> >
> > Elaine**
> > *
> Some people were afraid to buy higher, some people afraid buy lower, in the
> end they get stuck in the middle and get only very small profit. In stock
> market big player and institutional player like EL is having advantage with
> knowledge, information and power to be one step ahead of average retailer.
> With this you can accumulate near bottom and out near peak. You got the
> skill to predict this. For retailer trader we don't even think of that, we
> just follow till Mr Trend is broken, let the move trigger our exit plans.
> Buying on high price is not always greeds. With our size in market we can
> always close the position if it's against us with only small loss. If we are
> right, breaking out stock is always had bigger chance to be the best profit
> of the year we can get in a single trade. Traders is not always thinking
> about money so its not about greeds, like some people like to be extreme
> game athletes, they didn't get that much money on this sports but they still
> do it cause they loved this game.
> My points is for investor maybe you should listen to EL very carefully, for
> trader only see what in ur chart and dun against it, just follow till it
> reverse. Whatever you choose just dun be a half half player, I mean you
> claim to be investor but you out with 5% profit, or you claim to be trader
> but when you loss 20% or 50% you tell yourself "okay, i just go long term".
> If you are a trader make sure you know if you are a natural born BHSH or

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