Mbah, saya kirim ulang voting request yang lebih diperjelas.
Thanks ya Mbah, and thank you all.

Mohon bantuan anda untuk VOTING buat Chidi...
Chidi has entered an *INCUBUS T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST* and she needs your
VOTE to win!

** *Chidi adalah 1-1-nya INDONESIAN yang mengikuti WORLDWIDE contest* and
she'd like to make her country proud with your help. so please VOTE for her
design! :)

step 1: please go to and SIGN IN (you need to be a
member to be able to vote).           it'll only take a minute to do it and
i'd appreciate that one minute you spend! :)
step 2: then go to and click
VOTE! (one person can only vote once)
step 3: please leave a COMMENT because your comments effect the judges
decision in choosing a winner. so, write her a good one!
step 4: please please please help SPREAD the word by FORWARDING this email
to your friends, relatives, lovers, bosses, etc.

*voting ends on JULY 12, so please keep spreading this email till that day!

**THANK YOU SO MUCH for your time and participation. much appreciated! :D

*indo love,
fifi young

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