Mbah, It's OOT time... Salam dari LOMBOK NOVOTEL... muah...muah...hihi...[?][?][?]
Chidi is my 2nd daughter and she needs HELP from all OB-ers in order to win the T-shirt design contest. Sebelumnya banyak terima kasih kepada yang bantu VOTING dan yang telah membantu Chesa voting untuk BORA BORA. Teman-teman, Mohon bantuan anda untuk VOTING buat Chidi... Chidi has entered an INCUBUS T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST and she needs your VOTE to win! Chidi adalah 1-1-nya INDONESIAN yang mengikuti WORLDWIDE contest and she'd like to make her country proud with your help. so please VOTE for her design! :) step 1: please go to and SIGN IN (you need to be a member to be able to vote). it'll only take a minute to do it and i'd appreciate that one minute you spend! :) step 2: then go to and click VOTE! (one person can only vote once) step 3: please leave a COMMENT because your comments effect the judges decision in choosing a winner. so, write her a good one! step 4: please please please help SPREAD the word by FORWARDING this email to your friends, relatives, lovers, bosses, etc. voting ends on JULY 12 so please keep spreading this email till that day! THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your time and participation. much appreciated! :D indo love, fifi young -cid- __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around