Sharing info: status jumat terakhir (malam waktu north america): Nickel price sudah pada level 34.4 usd/mt. naik berat ini dari yg sebelumnya karena stock nickel di LME sangat kurang. tentu ada akibat dari kurangnnya produksi Inco juga! nah ..tunggu hari Senin investor dari luar akan berebut sahamnya Inco! jangan sampai ketinggalan.. kalau mau pegang sebentar mah gampang nyampe 32 ribu.. analisa investor itu harga Inco di level sekitar 40 ribu! ini hitungan konservative..
Zinc/Timah juga akan tambah bagus harganya, jadi TINS kemungkinan akan naik lagi.. cooper & alluminium?? bisa dibaca di bawah ini.. salam, aGoeng Nickel could be hit by index reweighting next week Bianca Markram 5 January 2007 Metal Bulletin News Alert Service Base metals, in particular nickel, could fall even harder next week at the London Metal Exchange as index funds sell off large portions of their long metals positions as they adjust their funds' exposure for 2007, traders said. The meteoric rise in prices last year means that the Dow Jones AIG and Goldman Sachs Commodities indices must sell significant positions to ensure that their funds' investment in metals - the number of contracts held - is the same as a percentage of the funds' total value as at the start of last year, traders said. Nickel and zinc are expected to be the hardest hit because they have risen the most since the start of last year: the three-month prices on January 3 were 135 percent and 107 percent higher respectively than January 3 2006. This could mean that as much as 20,000-25,000 tonnes of nickel and 150,000 tonnes of zinc will be sold by AIG and Goldman Sachs in the coming week, traders said. The sale of nickel eqates to 800 lots of nickel per day over a five-day period, one trader noted. "Base metals have grown more in 2006 than energy, so it is widely thought that both AIG Dow Jones and Goldman Sachs will be net sellers of base metals in the coming weeks," said Jim Lennon, analyst at Macquarie Bank. The adjustment by the indices goes some way to explaining the terrible start to new year trading, which saw copper trade at nine-month lows on three consecutive days, traders said. With copper showing some signs of recovery on Friday, some traders said the indices had probably carried out the adjustment, but others speculated that the worst could be to come. "Everyone's shell-shocked. It's like what the hell was that. Was that it or is there more to come?" asked a senior official at an LME ring dealer. "The selling we've seen in base metals this week could have been prompted by the news of the indices' prospective rebalancing," said a second London trader. "People saw the news and said: 'We have to get out before all of that metal gets dumped on the market next week.'" "It is also possible that the indices have already started rebalancing their positions, and that this is what's behind the drops we've seen this week." "But if all of this metal still has to come to the market, we're in for a serious nose-dive in base metals prices," he warned. Traders pointed to nickel which has stood out because it has shown no signs of coming under pressure - on Friday, the three-month price rose as high as $34,400 per tonne from $32,475 on Tuesday when trading resumed after the new year bank holiday. "That [nickel tonnage] should be huge and could see nickel plunging to the low $20,000-range," said a third London trader. "And yet nickel has been continuing to trade in the high $32,000 to the low $33,000 range." The AIG and Goldman Sachs indices both list nickel, zinc, copper and aluminium and Goldman Sachs also has lead. Neither company would comment on the situation ----- Original Message ---- From: EKA SUWANDANA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Friday, January 5, 2007 4:24:29 PM Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: INCO, still a buy? Sebenernya di laporan keuangan q3 2006 sudah kelihatan dari JUNI-SEPTEMBER 2006 laba bersih naik 100% dibandingkan JUNI-SEPTEMBER 2005. Rata2 Q3 juni-september ada di 20000USD/MT. Itu gabungan rata Nickel Matte (lebih murah 2 USD/lb), Bijih Nickel, dan Batangan. Kalo dilihat Q1-2007 rata2 bisa antara 28000-30000USD/ MT. agung2a <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote: kalau tahun lalu rata2 harga nickel cuman sekitar 10K USD/MT sekarang harga nickel jadi 30K USD/MT >>> bisa dibayangkan keuntungan perusahan nickel tahun 2006 vs 2005?? pasti naiklah harga saham Inco kalau keuntungannya 3 kali lipat dari tahun lalu!! Beli sekarang dan tunggu laporan keuntungannya! ! tinggal ongkang- ongkang kaki aja .. aGoeng.. --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, EKA SUWANDANA <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ..> wrote: > > Masih bisa target apabila: > > Nickel USD 25000/MT---> Rp47000 > Nickel USD 34000?MT---> Rp 60000,- > highwaystar91 <highwaystar91@ ...> wrote: > Para sesepuh, > > Teman saya ada yg nanya apakah dia masih dapat beli INCO sekarang? > Trims! > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around