Kondisi saat ini bisa dilihat dari grafik yang ada di address: 
http://www.zealllc.com/2006/lmestock.htm dan comment di bawah ini. 
Saat ini stock dunia SANGAT kurang!!! pembangunan tambang baru untuk 
jadi nickel ore baru akan berpengaruh sekitar 3 tahun lagi..... 
paling cepat! Harga nickel akan tetap bercokol di level minimum 12-
15 USD/lbs di tahun 2007 ini!!  harga saham?? bisa dibayangkan kalau 
keuntungan Inco naik. 40 rebu mah gampang! terlalu konservative itu.
R, aGoeng


Last month I wrote an essay on this year's amazing run in nickel.  
And interestingly one of the major reasons for nickel's success was 
attributed to the action of its LME stock levels.  As you can see in 
the chart below, nickel stock has taken a nosedive this year.  Due 
to increased demand and sluggish supply, warehoused nickel inventory 
has plummeted by nearly 90% this year alone.

Throughout the year as nickel stock continued to get pilfered by 
increasing demand, the plunge to the 5k to 7k metric ton range gave 
catalyst to a sharp rise in nickel's price.  And in this range 
standing LME nickel stock tallies the equivalent of just over one 
day worth of global nickel consumption!

 Since the beginning of this year the price of nickel has soared 
157% to its recent bull-to-date high over $15 per pound.  Though 
this latest push over $12 or so could be attributed to speculative 
excess, this shows that simple fundamentals, in this case alarmingly 
low stock levels, have enormous influence on nickel's tactical price 

See: attachement

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