c7 long-term bullish. tins highest ever di 3.800. harga timah pernah top di $25 
ribu, which is masih jauh jalannya. in the mean time, there will be 
corrections. hari ini volume tins gede banget, secara teori sih ada yg jualan.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, agung aja <agung.ke...@...> wrote:
> Just remind message from miss eLaine
> There will be Long term bullish for next 3-10 years
> INVEST !!!
> if its proven, TINS could reach GOCENG
> cmiiw
> regards
> ________________________________
> From: JsxTrader <jsxtra...@...>
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com; jsxtra...@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 2:45:09 PM
> Subject: [ob] TINS - Tech Update
> Ada signal BD jualan.., tapi ngga apa, tunggu konfirmasi besok…, kalau ada 
> doji atau candle merah ati-ati.., jangan masuk buat yg belum punya, kalau sdh 
> punya bisa HOLD dan liat gerakan besok.
> JT

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