betul mbah, kita2 yg muda ini kudu konsisten dan disiplin dalam berinvestasi,... seperti mr livermore itu, yg ditolak bucketshops pada waktu umurnya 15, (bucketshop itu places where people would enter trades, but no actual trades were executed; dengan kata lain mirip penjudi yg bertarung melawan bandar/rumah judi)...
mengenai trik dan strategi investasi livermore biar dijelaskan nanti oleh Mbah pada episod2 berikutnya, saya cuman mo highlight apa yg sering terjadi pada investor/trader baik yg udah pengalaman/blon, yg juga terjadi sama si livermore, and it lead to tragedy,... that can remind us again as how its very2 important of being objective (and its as hard as hell) and not impilsive when in positions... and that is, as were mentione by embah, is violate your own rule : first violate : tahun1908(satu tahun setelah berhasil dapet $3juta pd crash 1907), he lost 90% of his money because he violate his own key rules dengan memakai advice orang laen, and keep adding to the position which is shortin in the flat market (he usually prefers to work alone and do own research) after declared bankcruptcy yet he managed to strike back in 1929, similarly as he does in 1907, ngeliat pola yg mirip dari crash 1907, dy ambil posisi short terus-menerus, pd bull market,... and yes its the legendary wallstreet crash of 1929 led by world war... he made his worth 100$ million short sale profits at the time... point : he gets 1000 dollar in bucket house by trading accordingly to his rule, and then enter the real market violating his own rule, bankrupt and smally revived by implementing his own 10% trend and goleden rule, and then 1907, he keep adding to short position, when he notice the trend was uptrend but there's a lack of buy will to the market (he violate again), this time it was a success,... later on, he shortin again, violate his own rule,... it was no success,... then its 1929 stock market crash, and he made a short position lot earlier when its a bull market was there (he violate again)... morale : either way u see it, violate your own structure, and being a persistent market fighter led by impulse, can lead you to two outcome, total profit, or bankruptcy... but were you ready to risk all your own life saving to one hefty decision that makes you lost all that you've got?? and if that happen you still have own confidence to regain and remain consistent to your belief?? well... livermore was a trader, greatest trader perhaps, that distincts him as being an investor... which is, nanti mungkin akan diceritakan oleh mbah final outcome of his history after the 1929 crash, his 1934 lost di chicago exchange that remain mysterious till now.. and that lead to tragedy of his life later... many to learns from one's up and downs,... but for me,... its just that its good enough to get a hard cash from nothing, and then knows when to stop and secure yourself.... --- In, "jsx_consultant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Embah tuliskan lagi lanjutannya MUMPUNG bursa lagi ANTENG: > > > Pernah denger tentang TEN COMMANDMENT yaitu 10 perintah ALLAH ?. > Embah rasa semua TAU... > > JM punya rule yang mirip buat dibursa, embah sebut: 10% COMMANDMENT. > > Begini ceritanya: > > Keahlian trading JL sebagai trader LEGENDARIS tidak disangsikan > lagi. Ketika dia MAEN PAKE MARGIN di Bucket Shop, dia selalu > menang. Sampai akhirnya dia TIDAK diijinkan lagi maen disemua > Bucket Shop. > > TAPI, ketika dia maen di SEKURITAS, dia malah RUGI sampe dia > harus MINJAM UANG dari temannya. > > KENAPA JM bisa menjadi CHAMPION maen pake MARGIN di Bucket > Shop dan menjadi PECUNDANG diperusahaan SEKURITAS ? !!!!! > > Pengalaman PAIT inilah yang membuat Rule no 2 dari JM yang > berbunyi NEVER... NEVER... NEVER lose your capital more > than TEN (10) percent !!!! > > KENAPA BISA BEGITU ?. > > Ketika dia main di Bucket Shop, dia selalu menang dan ketika > dia kalah lebih dari 10%, maka DIA di KICK OFF secara otomatis. > Dia maen pake MARGIN yang berbahaya tapi RESIKOnya terbatas > sebatas 10%. > > Tapi ketika dia maen di Sekuritas, dia KALAH BANYAK karena > ketika dia kalah lebih 10%, dia TIDAK dipaksa JUAL dan akhirnya > harga sahamnya TURUN LAGI ampe dia bangkrut... > > DARI pengalaman ini DIA MENERAPKAN secara KETAT Rule no2 yaitu: > > - NEVER... NEVER... NEVER lose your capital more than 10% !!!! > > Your capital is STILL 90% and you CAN MAKE REVANCHE if you > are a good trader... > > But if you LOSE your capital SEVERELY, you are OUT OFF the > business... > > Nah begitulah cerita : TEN % COMMANDMENT dari embah yang > diambil dari buku Jesse Livermore... Anda tidak boleh > melanggar aturan ini kalo engga mau masuk NERAKA > BURSA... hehehe... > > > --- In, "jsx_consultant" <jsx- > consultant@> wrote: > > > > Tadi malem embah baca kuliah Jessee Livermore ama anaknya > > tentang Rule no 1 mengenai Money Management: > > > > Keep your money in your left pocket near the ball yg kalo > > diterjemahin: > > - Simpan uangmu dikantong kiri deket BIJI P*LER... > > > > Lalu JM memberikan $10 bill ama anaknya, dilipat dan disimpan > > dikantong kiri depan. JM bilang lagi: > > - Jangan menyimpan uangmu dikantong belakang karena mudah > > diambil orang. > > - Simpan uangmu dikantong kiri karena rata rata orang tidak > > kidal (RIGHT HANDED). > > - Simpan uangmu dekat BIJI P*LER karena daerah tsb adalah > > daerah yang PALING SENSITIF, jadi kalo ada yang mau ngambil > > uangmu, 'burungmu' akan merasakan... > > > > MORAL of the story: > > - NEVER LOSE YOUR MONEY IN THE INVESTMENT/TRADING BUSINESS !!! > > > > Jika your capital ampe habis, YOU ARE OUT OF the capital > > market BUSINESS... anda di PHK.. MOKODONG dah ...TITIK.... > > > > Note: > > - Buat PEMULA, lakukan STUDY yang mendalam tentang ilmu yang > > diperlukan untuk ikut main di capital market > > - Lakukan SIMULASI dan PAPER TRADING boongan untuk menTEST > > KEMAMPUAN anda sebelum MENCEBURKAN diri ke capital market.. > > > > ... > > > > embah Yahoo! 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