--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, yuliawati_ta...@... wrote:
> Kbetulan saya salah satu yg ikut dlm webinar si tom mgkn mksd pak
ajies how to improve TA(dlm hal ini VSA) itu sendiri krn si tom tuh
pake tambahan indicator seperti diamond warnanya biru merah dan signal
merah ijo yg kata si tom bisa mendeteksi trend...mungkin loh ya pak
...saya newbie sorry klo salah input...

Reply :

Ikut Webinar Tom bayar berapa, kalau mau ikut Tradingrooms bayar
berapa ? thanks

Sama2 Neubie di BEI, Anda termasuk yang beruntung sejak awal ketemu
VSA.......volume adalah leading indicator di derivatif, suppy-demand
adalah pengerak Price Action dan bukan Statistik!!!!!!. Umumnya kalau
kita pelajari ebook tentang fundamental analysis atau technikal
analysis.......umumnya hanya disebutkan bahwa Politik, Corporate
Action, rumor, spekulan, Hedgefund dll yang menggerakan
harga.......belum tentu.

Kita tidak pernah diajari, bahwa TA & FA hanya valid dalam kondisi
pasar jenis xxxx dan tidak berlaku dalam pasar jenis yyyyy. untuk itu
banyak PR misalnya : skala kapitalisasi pasar/jumlah perserta pasar
dalam menggerakan saham tertentu, indentifikasi "bandar spekulan" dan
perhitungkan "'daya rusak BD yang main dengan against the herd" dll.
contoh. Soros telah membuktikan ini, sehingga Bank of England bertekuk

re. "si tom tuh pake tambahan indicator seperti diamond warnanya biru
merah dan signal merah ijo yg kata si tom bisa mendeteksi trend.

tanya :
---sudah punya TraderGuide yang jalan real time di Reuter ? pls Japri

Tambahan Indicator diamond cuma visual  Trade Signal.....harus
dipelajari kumpulan2 philosophy indicator(trading strategy) yang dia
pakai itu, apakah cocok untuk pasar yang ranging atu trending atau
sideway dengan range sempit, contohnya RSI, macd, ma hanya bekerja
dengan baik di jenis pasar tertentu aja,,,,,,,perlu dipahami indicator
yang berasal dari volume based Indicator itu bekerja saat pasar yang
bagaimana ? Indicator Barometer bull/bear apakah bisa "membaca" BD
yang not following the herd, karena herd itu akan memunculkan
pseudo-volume-------apa ada filter untuk ini, coba tanyakan dalam
webinar atau email ke dia,

Discretional Judgement : 

---Kalau muncul Trade Signal Dari VSA, jangan buru2 open position
---buat sendiri filter apakah Trade signal itu valid untuk OP hari
ini-----kita sering melupakan "sebab 3-6 hari lalu, baru muncul
signal(akibat) hari ini"
===never never Open position without 2nd opion dari Trading Strategy
lainnya dan "mengerti" harus buy dan sell saham tertentu

PS. Trading Strategy jenis apapun pasti ada kelemahan, thus kita
sebaiknya berpikir realistis dan tidak mengharapkan 100% benar, coba
kita lempar 10 kali uang logam Rp 500 ke udara dan tangkap, dalam 10
OP asalkan bisa "benar" 6 kali sudah kita anggap bagus, tinggal
dihitung secara Rupiah...........dalam 10 trading.....kalau "benar" 6
kali======>harus tetap Profit profolio apapun yang kita tradingkan


> -----Original Message-----
> From: "adjies2000" <ad2...@...>
> Date: Sun, 01 Mar 2009 09:13:02 
> To: <obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: VSA bernuasa non-TA ?(JT)
> --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "JsxTrader" <jsxtrader@> wrote:
> >
> > Pak Adjies, saya masih ngga paham mengapa anda sepertinya
> menempatkan VSA
> > diluar technical analysis..., karena menurut saya Volume Analysis
> > bagian dari TA.., VSA adalah TRADING SYSTEM yg mengunakan pendekatan
> Volume
> > Analysis.., as a matter of fact VSA butuh data OHLC + Volume. 
> > 
> > Well, sebenernya ngga penting juga sih utk diperdebatkan, saya Cuma
> > penasaran aja pingin tau pandangan anda.
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Reply ;
> Dear JT,
> Mohon sedikit sabar, aku sedang "mencerna gizi" VSA ala Tom Williams,
> disana aku "merasa" dapat menangkap VSA teknikal dan VSA non
> teknikal....persisnya aku belum mau membuka,
> "When the market is being shaken-out on bad news, he
> is in there buying. When the `herd' is buying and the news is good, he
> is looking to sell."
> ======Fakta ini yang sering terjadi dipasar, kita boleh menghibur
> diri...bahwa pasar lagi anomali atau gila....tetapi itu "kelemahan
> VSA-TA yang kita jadikan HOLY-Grail". Pasar dengan "tanpa ampun" 
> membuat account kita berdarah-darah.
> kita Trader terdidik/terlatih dengan analisa Fundamental atau teknikal
> seringkali terjebak dengan "ego orang sekolahan"----please.....TA $ FA
> itu ibarat Mobil..........tanpa bensin tidak akan jalan....pls TA & Fa
> itu mahluk hidup........ terkadang diberi Oktan 90 juga  laju (dalam
> kondisi normal VSA TA works goods), tapi suatu saat TA & FA malah
> dojan rumput(dalam pasar chaotic Bearish sekarang ini dibutuhkan VSA
> Anti-Herd.)
> Thus, untuk market size seperti BEI.......ada VSA diluar hitungan
> mathematik TA......dan it's work.-------Bagaimana , Pak Oentong ?
> NOte: Bersama teman sedang meng test Neural Network EA untuk
> Forex............bulan2 tertentu sukses, bulan2 tertentu so-so...di
> back-test ..di-optimasi....di Curce fitting.....hehehe,,,,Artificial
> Intelligence masih bisa dikalahkan oleh :
> ""When the market is being shaken-out on bad news, he
> is in there buying. When the `herd' is buying and the news is good, he
> is looking to sell."
> salam
> ==============================================================
> "There are only two main principles at work in the stock market, which
> will cause a market to turn. Both of these principles will arrive in
> varying intensities producing larger or smaller moves:
> 1. The `herd' will panic after observing substantial falls in a market
> (usually on bad news) and will usually follow its instinct to sell. As
> a trader who is aware of crowd psychology, you must ask
> yourself, "Are the trading syndicates and market-makers prepared to
> absorb the panic selling at these price levels?" If they are, then
> this is a good sign that indicates market strength.
> 2. After substantial rises, the `herd' will become annoyed at missing
> the up-move, and will rush in and buy, usually on good news. This
> includes traders who already have long positions, and want more. At
> this stage, you need to ask yourself, "Are the trading syndicates
> selling into the buying?" If so, then this is a severe sign of weakness.
> Does this mean that the dice is always loaded against you when you
> enter the market? Are you destinedalways to be manipulated? Well, yes
> and no.A professional trader isolates himself from the `herd' and
> becomes a predator rather than a victim. He understands and recognises
> the principles that drive the markets and refuses to be misled by good
> or bad news, tips, advice, brokers, or well-meaning friends. When the
> market is being shaken-out on bad news, he
> is in there buying. When the `herd' is buying and the news is good, he
> is looking to sell.
> Master the Markets 23
> You are entering a business that has attracted some of the sharpest
> minds around. All you have to do is tojoin them. Trading with the
> `strong holders' requires a means to determine the balance of supply
> anddemand for an instrument, in terms of professional interest, or
> lack of interest, in it. If you can buy when the professionals are
> buying (accumulating or re-accumulating) and sell when the
> professionals are selling
> (distributing or re-distributing) and you do not try to buck the
> system you are following, you can be as successful as anybody else can
> in the market. Indeed, you stand the chance of being considerably more
> successful than most!

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