God pak oen.....
you are getting sharper and sharper in reading the development....bravo....two thumbs up...

oentoeng_q <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Asal tahu saja bahwa:
- gerombolan yang membawa BMRI saat ini adalah gerombolan yg sama
ketika membuat BMRI dari 1900 hingga 2300-an.
- P. Frederick selain gape bicara BMRI juga bisa diajak ngobrol bola.
Right Mr Frederick?
- Bedanya kita sama dengan P. Frederick adalah beliau dibarengi
dengan "berondongan peluru" (investment power katanya) dibandingkan
kita yang membuat memprediksi lebih banyak utk kepentingan diri

Bagaimanapun saya sebagai salah satu lone ranger di BMRI terimakasih
banyak atas "second opinion" yang telah berlangsung selama kenaikan
BMRI sejak break "stubborn resistance" di 1770-1780 hingga hari ini
sempat menyentuh 2125.

Thanks for you all....especially for Mr. Frederick
Keep on posting as critics (oh no reminder) for bookies...

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Frederick Schubert
<pemainbesar@...> wrote:
> welll....thanks all for such constructive discussions on Bank
Mandiri....hope you all get the point that we could still be alert
in everything...
> i think we should end this "kind of stuffs" and my apologies if
any of you felt annoyed with my opinion...
> hope the brighter will come faster than we could expect...
> best
> rivan man <[EMAIL PROTECTED].> wrote:
> God Bless U
> Rvn
> ratman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Guys
> Everybody has his/her own opinion. I do not feel offended. It's
only changing idea.
> Who dare enough to guarantee their prediction? Even Mr FS only
stated the words of "has any potential to break IDR3000 within 12
month" which mean there is disclaimer inside. If I were mid or
long term player I am inline with him.. But for short term trader
within that period of time there are potentials to ride the moves
which gives opportunity to gain more than buy and hold. Of course
the tactic and the strategy are difference.
> From the deep of my heart – Peace to everybody
> ---------------------------------
> From: rivan man [mailto:rivan378@...]
> Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 5:53 PM
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Hati-hati dg BMRI
> what the basic for ur opinion BMRI can Rp.3000?how if
BMRI can not move until 3000 rupiahs?can u responsibility for this?
> God Bless U
> Rvn
> Frederick Schubert <pemainbesar@...> wrote:
> waaaaaa.....i like this kind of reply.....
> i didn't really critize...i just reminded...if u do understand
english...hehehe...it's not wise to use words that would mislead
> meanwhile, at that time i said if 1760-1780 resistance broken
through...it may test 1,820..(it was proven rite, thou..). anyway,
Bank Mandiri, the nation's largest bank by assets, has any potential
to break above IDR3,000 within 12 months or so for mid to long term
> welll, nice to have a comment from you pak ang...
> peace
> Effendy Ang <effendy.ang@...> wrote:
> okay okay.
> so what is your suggestion today Frederick Schubert.
> What to be picked, what to suggest? Any anticipation of the
> Any analysis , bandarmology, anything...
> Are you an opinion critic analyst or a stock analyst or a
stock player.
> If you are better than Soeratman then you tell me what is your
opinion on the market or any stocks.
> Tell me. I am totally fed up with your position right now. You
post nothing but critics.
> Tong Kosong Nyaring Bunyinya. Do you understand ??
> Peace !!!
> On 8/7/06, Frederick Schubert <pemainbesar@...> wrote:
> well...
> thanks for these opinions....at first, i saw there was a kind
of weird style in reading a chart...and for sure...can never 100%
believe in indonesian charts due some time, i found the data to
support it,...a bit corrupt....
> anyway, my point was if u were an analyst u could use a better
word than "hati-hati" because "hati-hati" could refrain people from
buying and inspire them to selling....
> I didn't take any position from your word, thou...for I have
my own calculation and investment power and know where the bank
share price would go to...
> I was just concerned that the word hati-hati could mislead
> and as always...i believe there are only few
people "understand" the word disclaimer (no opinion) ...how come you
disclaimed sumthin while you made up an opinion...
> this is just a kind of a friendly reminder...
> peace...!!!
> Soeratman Doerachman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Disclaimer adalh untuk menghindarkan member
discouraged dalam melakukan posting.
> Lagi pula apakah memang benar-benar dinegara kita ini telah
ada analis yang ulasannya 100% benar? Yang 50% benarpun belumtentu
ada. Atau adakah yg berani mengclaim bahwa analisanya 100% benar?
Jika memang ada maka bravo utk ybs. He/She is really genius.
> Jadi menurut saya please jangan sampai takut posting karena
takut dicaci maki. Saya kira milis ini maksudnya adalah untuk share
pendapat. Begitu kan Mbah?.
> Yang mencaci maki karena ngekor ikut pendapat analis tetapi
ternyata pendapat analis tsb salah, yo salahe ndewe. Trust nobody
but yourself
> ---------------------------------
> From: Karno Edy [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED].]
> Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2006 1:30 PM
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Hati-hati dg BMRI
> "the moral is never said something that would MISLEAD
> Saya kira secara umum tidak ada yang salah dengan statement
tsb. Maksudnya secara umum bukan untuk case BMRI ini saja.
> Inti yg hendak disampaikan adalah : Jangan mengacaukan
antara uncertainty(ketidakpastian) dengan certainty(kepastian) -
(CMIIW Mr Fred)
> Sudah sering terjadi IHSG/suatu saham menunjukkan signal
overbought tapi terus naik dan begitu pula sebaliknya sudah oversold
namun terus turun.
> Kalau ini terjadi (bearish/oversold), walaupun beli waktu
harga sudah murah, tetap saja masih rugi. Chart aja bisa salah,
apalagi manusia.
> Makanya dalam aturan pasar modal seorang manajer investasi
tidak diperbolehkan memberikan kepastian (menjamin keuntungan)
kepada para investornya :
> Kalo di milis gratisan kaya di milis OB, biasanya yg posting
dengan gaya tulisan yg menawarkan kepastian akan disembah/dipuja2
kalo rekomendasinya tepat dan sebaliknya siap2 disindir/caci-maki
kalo salah.
> Yg paling penting, ane setuju dengan statement Pak SV
> "so in the end, let's people decide aja apa yg terbagus buat
trading plan masing2"
> Peace for all,
> Karno
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Santo Vibby
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 5:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Hati-hati dg BMRI
> Dear P' Fred..
> Isn't the market is always right ? Saya rasa postingan
tersebut tidaklah bermaksud utk Mislead people, bagaimana jika
ternyata BMRI malah turun instead naik ?? Kan berarti malah nolong
people ??
> Menurut saya itu hanya berupa warning aja, biar pada
bersiap2 jika ternyata market melawan.. so in the end, let's people
decide aja apa yg terbagus buat trading plan masing2
> Peace pak fred..
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Frederick Schubert
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 4:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Hati-hati dg BMRI
> this is from July 30, or SUNDAY or only five sessions
> are you still convinced with your chart reading style..?
> the moral is never said something that would MISLEAD
> cheers....
> Soeratman Doerachman < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rally sudah 4 hari berturut-turut.
> Jangan emosi malah bijaksana untuk para trader hari ini take
profit dulu
> Stochastic line trigerred to Sell
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