Hi Justin,

Thanks for your insights! I see your point and I’m also agree about the 
challenges of relying on fetchable JSON schema URLs for defining 
authorization_details types. I understand that using URLs for schemas has 
challenges, like clients not supporting dynamic fetching or knowing when to 
treat a type value as a URL, but removing schema-based URLs doesn’t remove the 
need for coordination, I mean, even with arbitrary string values for type, 
authorization servers, resource servers, and clients still need a shared way to 
document and interpret them, or am I missing something in the specification? 
(Wouldn’t be the first time!)

So, while avoiding URLs as type values prevents some of the concerns you 
raised, it doesn’t solve the fundamental issue, some form of negotiation or 
specification is still required to ensure interoperability. Whether that’s done 
through well-defined profiles, standardized type registries, or another 
approach, the need for a common understanding remains… and as part of this 
common understanding between AS, RS, and client, it could be included that 
authorization details types are just URLs that contain the JSON schema, in my 

Curious to hear your thoughts on possible ways to address this challenges for 
implementer other than use URL schemas.

Best Regrads.

From: Justin Richer <jric...@mit.edu>
Date: Thursday, 20 March 2025 at 09:24
To: Oliva Fernandez, Jorge <jorge.olivafernan...@santander.co.uk>
Cc: Kai Lehmann <kai.lehm...@1und1.de>, oauth@ietf.org <oauth@ietf.org>
Subject: [EXT]Re: [OAUTH-WG] Combining Step Up Auth mechanism with RAR
CAUTION: This message is from an EXTERNAL sender – be vigilant, particularly 
with links and attachments. If you suspect it, report it immediately using the 
phishing button.
In working on RAR, it was discussed whether to use a URL fetch in the way 
you’re describing to pass schema data between parties, but that was 
deliberately cut out. In RFC9396, the `type` value is a string that’s used for 
disambiguation of the structure of the rest of the object - there are no 
semantics or additional processing expected. It’s allowed that this have some 
other layer of meaning, and we talk about it in section 11.3: 

But, and it’s a pretty big one, you can’t assume that anyone’s going to DO 
anything with that `type` value without another layer of specification and 
profiles defining that. And when you do, you need to be careful how that kind 
of behavior fits in with the larger ecosystem that does NOT assume that kind of 
structure or behavior.

So for example you’ve got a server setup that uses fetchable JSON schema URLs 
as the `type` value, what happens when you connect with a client who doesn’t 
know how to process that? Is there some simpler behavior that such a client 
could possibly do? Or, even more concretely, something that a more 
statically-configured and less dynamic client could make sense of? You look at 
the JSON schema world and its relatives (like JSON LD) out in the wild, and a 
ton of perfectly-working systems fully ignore all the "go fetch the schema 
dynamically" part, with varying results.

A harder question is, what if your AS/RS does NOT use a fetchable JSON schema 
URL as a `type` value but you’ve got a client that can process those. Does it 
try to fetch every `type` value as if it’s a URL, or just ones that start with 
http? What if there’s a `type` value that’s an HTTP URL but isn’t fetchable, 
it’s just a namespace as recommended by the RFC?

Plus there are the security and privacy considerations that pop up any time you 
have a system that hands a component a URL that it’s supposed to go resolve.

All of this isn’t to say that you can’t do it, or even shouldn’t, but that 
layering this kind of functionality in would need to be done very carefully 
with well-defined guard rails or else things could fall over sideways pretty 

 — Justin

On Mar 19, 2025, at 3:16 AM, Oliva Fernandez, Jorge 
<Jorge.OlivaFernandez=40santander.co...@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

Hi Kai,

Some time ago we asked a similar question in this mailing list about a standard 
way to use the WWW-Authenticate header to indicate the requirement of 
'authorization_details' to the client. If I remember correctly, the response 
was that when discussing this option while defining the RFC, it was noted that 
headers do not support JSON structures very well, which is true.

However, an idea that we had is to use JSON schemas to define the authorization 
details type, as suggested in section "11.3. Use of Machine-Readable Type 
Schemas" of RFC 9396. This means that the authorization detail types could be a 
URL (as in the 'Figure 4' example of RFC 9396) where you can publish the JSON 
schema. Knowing the authorization detail type, the client can resolve the URL 
to get the documentation about the JSON structure.

By combining this solution with the Step Up Auth Challenge Protocol, you don't 
need to return a JSON structure in the 'WWW-Authenticate' header. Instead, you 
could include an additional parameter indicating the authorization detail type 
required, which is at the same time the schema that describes the structure of 
the JSON for the authorization request.

As per RFC 9470, "Note that while this specification only defines usage of the 
above auth-params with the insufficient_user_authentication error code, it does 
not preclude future specifications or profiles from defining their usage with 
other error codes." You could extend the specification with custom error codes 
and parameters…

Best regards.

From: geo...@practicalidentity.com<mailto:geo...@practicalidentity.com> 
Date: Tuesday, 18 March 2025 at 12:17
To: Kai Lehmann 
Cc: oauth@ietf.org<mailto:oauth@ietf.org> 
Subject: [EXT][OAUTH-WG] Re: Combining Step Up Auth mechanism with RAR
CAUTION: This message is from an EXTERNAL sender – be vigilant, particularly 
with links and attachments. If you suspect it, report it immediately using the 
phishing button.
Hi Kai,

I recently saw a proposal to extend the Step-Up mechanism by returning a body 
with the WWW-Authenticate header. This could work for what you are looking to 
do in returning a RAR authorization_details JSON object that the client can 
then pass to the AS. My only concern with this is whether most clients will 
know to look for a body with a WWW-Authenticate header and whether the browser 
will make the body available to a browser based client.

I agree that Step-Up flows need more options than max_age, scope and acr_values.


George Fletcher
Practical Identity LLC

On Mar 18, 2025, at 4:59 AM, Kai Lehmann 
<kai.lehmann=401und1...@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:


we are considering usign RAR to have a fine-grained authorization mechanism 
with additional user interactins during the authentication/authorization steps 
based on the authorization requested by the client.

Our main concern is how the client would know when it needs access tokens with 
specific RAR content and when it can simply use standard scope based access 
tokens. We thought about using a similar method as is described in the Step Up 
Auth Challenge Protocol. When requesting a specific resource, a resource server 
could use this protocol to tell the client that it needs an access token with 
specific authorization_details which the client can then obtain before 
requesting the resource again.

Another option would be to use something based on Protected Resource Metadata. 
However, here the Resource Server cannot craft a specific authorization_details 
it needs for a specific resource as it this usually depends on the request data 
which is not available at this point.

Is there something defined to close this gap which we are just not aware of?

Best regards,
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