Hi Kai,

I recently saw a proposal to extend the Step-Up mechanism by returning a body 
with the WWW-Authenticate header. This could work for what you are looking to 
do in returning a RAR authorization_details JSON object that the client can 
then pass to the AS. My only concern with this is whether most clients will 
know to look for a body with a WWW-Authenticate header and whether the browser 
will make the body available to a browser based client.

I agree that Step-Up flows need more options than max_age, scope and acr_values.


George Fletcher
Practical Identity LLC

> On Mar 18, 2025, at 4:59 AM, Kai Lehmann 
> <kai.lehmann=401und1...@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> we are considering usign RAR to have a fine-grained authorization mechanism 
> with additional user interactins during the authentication/authorization 
> steps based on the authorization requested by the client.
> Our main concern is how the client would know when it needs access tokens 
> with specific RAR content and when it can simply use standard scope based 
> access tokens. We thought about using a similar method as is described in the 
> Step Up Auth Challenge Protocol. When requesting a specific resource, a 
> resource server could use this protocol to tell the client that it needs an 
> access token with specific authorization_details which the client can then 
> obtain before requesting the resource again.
> Another option would be to use something based on Protected Resource 
> Metadata. However, here the Resource Server cannot craft a specific 
> authorization_details it needs for a specific resource as it this usually 
> depends on the request data which is not available at this point.
> Is there something defined to close this gap which we are just not aware of?
> Best regards,
> kai
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