Hi Steffen,

with my chair hat on: Discussions at the OAuth security workshop do not impact decision-making in this group, as the workshop is not an official IETF activity.

That said, I wonder if it might make sense to propose the status list extension for X.509 certificates to a group where the relevant expertise is present, namely LAMPS. The advantage of this approach is that it would also engage the community working on PKI infrastructure (such as RAs/CAs), allowing them to be informed about this work and share their perspectives.


Am 05.03.2025 um 09:30 schrieb Steffen Schwalm:

Hi Christian,

although it´s a bit unusual to use one workshop as seemingly feedback for decision: if you think that covering x509 with TokenStatusList is out of scope of OauthWG the scope of the TokenStatusList shall be more precise.

Currently it only mention that “This document defines a Status List data structure that describes the    individual statuses of multiple Referenced Tokens.  A Referenced    Token may be of any format, but is most commonly a data structures  secured by JOSE or COSE.”

Means you focus on credentials like SD-JWT VC, mDoc. In case you focus on eIDAS or similar it shall be clear that the spec is useable for Personal Identification Data (PID) resp. any credential without any signatures based on x509 certificate only.

Reason: In case of (Q)/pubEAA the credential will be signed with an advanced or qualified signature using x509 where TokenStatusList not useable and as for x509 OCSP or similar might be used the privacy advantage of TokenStatuslist can be eliminated.

For those ones thinking that only for QEAA a QES/QSeal needed: sorry, also for pubEAA or EAA in case of Proof of Origin (also PoE, as TS contains at least AES) needed, and issue occurs for AES/ASeal too.


*Von:*Christian Bormann <chris.bormann=40gmx...@dmarc.ietf.org>
*Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2025 16:41
*An:* Michael Jones <michael_b_jo...@hotmail.com>; Brian Campbell <bcampb...@pingidentity.com>; Filip Skokan <panva...@gmail.com>
*Cc:* oauth <oauth@ietf.org>
*Betreff:* [OAUTH-WG] Re: Status List Feature Request

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Hi all,

We had a session on this topic in the OAuth Security Workshop

(with Brian, Filip and Mike present) and asked for feedback.

Everyone that voiced their opinion was against this extension in the scope of the current

draft and the OAuth Working Group, but there was the remark to make sure that this draft

allows for this feature if people wish to create this extension (as Filip also stated previously

here on the mailing list).

Slides we used with short notes on the Feedback we got:


Best Regards,


*From: *Michael Jones <michael_b_jo...@hotmail.com>
*Date: *Wednesday, 26. February 2025 at 18:05
*To: *Brian Campbell <bcampb...@pingidentity.com>, Filip Skokan <panva...@gmail.com>
*Cc: *Christian Bormann <chris.borm...@gmx.de>, oauth <oauth@ietf.org>
*Subject: *RE: [OAUTH-WG] Re: Status List Feature Request

X.509 already has its own revocation infrastructure (in fact, more than one kind!).  We needn’t complicate this spec to add another one for X.509.

-- Mike

*From:*Brian Campbell <bcampbell=40pingidentity....@dmarc.ietf.org>
*Sent:* Wednesday, February 26, 2025 4:46 PM
*To:* Filip Skokan <panva...@gmail.com>
*Cc:* Christian Bormann <chris.bormann=40gmx...@dmarc.ietf.org>; oauth <oauth@ietf.org>
*Subject:* [OAUTH-WG] Re: Status List Feature Request

I concur with Filip's perspective.

On Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 4:21 PM Filip Skokan <panva...@gmail.com <mailto:panva...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I believe it is inappropriate and wildly out of scope for an oauth
    document to define X.509 extensions, which IIUC is needed in order
    to define the Status Claim for X.509? The important thing to make
    sure is that the document does not preclude a future X.509
    extension being drafted (wherever its appropriate place may be)
    that makes use of the status list, and that already appears to be
    the case.

    S pozdravem,
    *Filip Skokan*

    On Fri, 7 Feb 2025 at 14:57, Christian Bormann
    <mailto:40gmx...@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:

        Hi all,

        While going through the feedback and issues on github, there
        was one bigger discussion point that we would like to bring to
        the mailing list. Steffen Schwalm asked for support for X.509
        Certificate revocation with the Status List - in that case the
        Status List describing the status of an X.509 Certificate
        (relevant issue
        That would mean defining an extension to X.509 to embed the
        relevant information for a Status List (URI and index) and
        creating validation rules etc.

        While we understand the general motivation as is discussed in
        more detail in the issue, it would be somewhat of a change of
        scope for the Status List draft. We felt it might be out of
        scope of the OAuth Working Group and rather in scope of other
        working groups like lamps? Any comments/opinions would be

        Best Regards,

        Christian Bormann

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