Thanks Rohan,

I've gone through the comments and incorporated a bunch of the feedback
into this

On Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 12:33 PM Rohan Mahy <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a few comments on Section 10.1.
> However, when the user only discloses a birthdate to one Verifier and a
>> postal code to another Verifier, the two Verifiers should not be able to
>> determine that they were interacting with the same user.
> Regarding presentation unlinkability and verifier/verifier unlinkability,
> isn't it sufficient to compare the signature on two SD-JWTs to have a very
> high probability that they are the same credential? Likewise, if there is a
> confirmation key present in the SD-JWT, isn't generating a JWK thumbprint
> from the confirmation key and comparing it, sufficient to identify a holder
> who uses the same key (even potentially across credentials)?
> Maybe this is meant to be qualified by the later comments about batch
> issuance, or maybe this is a leftover sentence?
> I would mention that the presence of an audience claim in the SD-CWT could
> reveal information about the verifier(s), while an audience claim in the
> KBT can be customized per-verifier
> I like the paragraph discussing power dynamics between verifiers and
> issuers.
> Where such callbacks are necessary, they MUST be executed in a manner that
>> preserves privacy and does not disclose details about the credential to the
>> Issuer.
> I think this is an RFC 6919 MUST (BUT WE KNOW YOU WON'T). Seriously, you
> are saying an honest verifier MUST do something, instead of defining a
> privacy-preserving Verifier as one that takes certain measures to protect
> holder privacy.
> Even if the Verifier is both honest and is willing to protect the holder's
> privacy, the Issuer might construct revocation checks that are resistant to
> privacy protection. It still might be worth suggesting some mechanisms (ex:
> Oblivious HTTP, VPNs, Tor) for those revocation check URLs that don't leak
> information about the holder to the issuer.
> Likewise, claims carrying time information, like iat, exp, and nbf, MUST
>> either be randomized within a time period considered appropriate (e.g.,
>> randomize iat within the last 24 hours and calculate exp accordingly) or
>> rounded (e.g., rounded down to the beginning of the day).
> I would add that the timezone may or may not be sensitive. If it is,
> consider rounding `iat`s to midnight UTC.
> Thanks!
> -rohan
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 5:52 PM Rohan Mahy <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Today I did a full read and review of
>> draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-15. Below are my comments.
>> Thanks,
>> -rohan
>> Overall
>>    - I found the Introduction, and Sections 2 and 3, not concrete enough
>>    to follow what is being discussed in a first read through. I proposed a 
>> new
>>    Section 1.3 which I think has the right spirit.
>>    - I am super happy that we are not using did: URIs in the document.
>>    - I  think it is very useful to have a capitalized name for the
>>    digests. I suggest Blinded Hash. Another good choice is Redacted Claim 
>> Hash.
>>    - All the SHOULD statements should explain why they are not MUSTs or
>>    under what circumstances the implementer could do something different that
>>    still makes sense.
>>    - If a validity claim (ex: exp, nbf) is redacted, does it need to be
>>    validated if the relevant disclosure is provided?
>> Abstract
>> suggestion: s/for the selective disclosure of individual elements of a
>> JSON-encoded data structure used as the payload of a JSON Web Signature
>> (JWS)/for the selective disclosure of individual elements of a JSON-encoded
>> JSON Web Signature (JWS) payload/
>> Intro:
>> suggestion: s/A new model is emerging that/Another model/
>> Section 1.1
>> suggestions:
>> s/SD-JWT is a composite structure enabling selective disclosure of its
>> contents/SD-JWT is a composite structure, consisting of a JWS plus optional
>> disclosures, enabling selective disclosure of portions of the JWS payload.
>> s/SD-JWT+KB is a composite structure enabling cryptographic key binding
>> when presented to the Verifier./SD-JWT+KB is a composite structure of an
>> SD-JWT and a cryptographic key binding that can be presented to and
>> verified by the Verifier./
>> Section 1.2
>> Selective Disclosure: "JWT Claims Set" is used in a definition but not
>> yet defined. Since the definition in RFC7519 is somewhat circular, maybe
>> s/JWT Claims Set/JWS payload/
>> Selectively Disclosable JWT: s/Issuer-signed JWT (JWS,
>> [RFC7515])/Issuer-signed JWS [RFC7515] (often a JWT)/
>> Disclosure: s/The Disclosure is used to calculate a digest for the
>> respective claim.//
>> *add:* Blinded Hash: The cryptographic digest (hash) of a specific
>> Disclosure
>> Key Binding JWT (KB-JWT): s/A Key Binding JWT is said to "be tied to" a
>> particular SD-JWT when its payload is signed using the key included in the
>> SD-JWT payload, and also contains a hash of the SD-JWT in its sd_hash
>> claim. A JWT for proving Key Binding as defined in Section 4.3
>> <>./A
>> Key Binding JWT is said to "be tied to" a particular SD-JWT when the KB-JWT
>> is signed using the key included in the SD-JWT payload, and the KB-JWT
>> contains a hash of the SD-JWT in its sd_hash claim. Its format is
>> defined in Section 4.3
>> <>
>> ./
>> maybe mention here that "JSON object property" is just the (truly
>> horrible) JSON name for a map/dict key and value.
>> *I think it is a wasted opportunity to not show an example of the
>> structure in the Introduction!* For example:
>> Section 1.3 Brief Illustration
>> The JWS structure consists of protected headers, the payload, and a
>> signature. The structure can be represented in JWS Compact Serialization
>> (the most common) or JWS JSON Serialization. In compact serialization, a
>> base64url encoded version of the three components are concatenated,
>> separated by periods. In the compact representation of an SD-JWT, this is
>> followed by a tilde character, and a list of base64url encoded disclosure
>> strings separated by tildes. If key binding is used, the KB-JWT follows the
>> last tilde.
>> Issuer-signed JWS
>> <protected header>.<payload>.<JWS signature>
>> <Issuer-signed JWS>~<Disclosure 1>~<Disclosure 2>~...~<Disclosure N>~
>> <Issuer-signed JWS>~<Disclosure 1>~<Disclosure 2>~...~<Disclosure
>> N>~<optional KB-JWT>
>> The decoded payload below (from an example in Section 5.1 with parts
>> elided for brevity with <elided>) contains the following:
>>    - the _sd claim (which contains Blinded Hashes),
>>    - standard JWT claims (issuer, issued at time, expiration,
>>    subscriber), and
>>    - the public key of the holder in a confirmation (cnf ) claim.
>> {
>>    "_sd": [
>>       <elided>
>>       "JzYjH4svliH0R3PyEMfeZu6Jt69u5qehZo7F7EPYlSE",
>>       "PorFbpKuVu6xymJagvkFsFXAbRoc2JGlAUA2BA4o7cI",
>>       "TGf4oLbgwd5JQaHyKVQZU9UdGE0w5rtDsrZzfUaomLo",
>>       <elided>
>>    ],
>>    "iss": "";,
>>    "iat": 1683000000,
>>    "exp": 1883000000,
>>    "sub": "user_42",
>>   <elided>
>>    "_sd_alg": "sha-256",
>>    "cnf": {
>>      "jwk": {
>>        "kty": "EC",
>>        "crv": "P-256",
>>        "x": "TCAER19Zvu3OHF4j4W4vfSVoHIP1ILilDls7vCeGemc",
>>        "y": "ZxjiWWbZMQGHVWKVQ4hbSIirsVfuecCE6t4jT9F2HZQ"
>>     }
>>    }
>> }
>> Assuming an SD-JWT presented to a Verifier with decoded payload shown
>> above and a disclosure string
>> WyJlbHVWNU9nM2dTTklJOEVZbnN4QV9BIiwgImZhbWlseV9uYW1lIiwgIkRvZSJd, the
>> verifier would take the digest of the disclosure string using the SHA256
>> algorithm from the _sd_hash claim and find that digest (
>> TGf4oLbgwd5JQaHyKVQZU9UdGE0w5rtDsrZzfUaomLo) in the decoded payload. The
>> Verifier would base64url decode the disclosure into the salt, the claim
>> name, and the claim value:
>> ["eluV5Og3gSNII8EYnsxA_A", "family_name", "Doe"]
>> , "adding" the family_name claim and its value to the resulting payload.
>> The overall flow is described in Section 2; the key concepts are more
>> fully described in Section 3; and the details of the data formats are
>> described in Section 4.
>> Section 4
>> s/The serialized format for the SD-JWT/The compact serialized format for
>> the SD-JWT/
>> The ALPHA and DIGIT productions should just reference the (identical)
>> ones in Appendix B.1 "Core Rules" of RFC5234. Anyone who wants to use ABNF
>> will be familiar with the Core Rules, and anyone who doesn't will be
>> confronted by one of the more arcane parts of ABNF syntax.
>> I still think "(for those who celebrate)" is an immature in-joke that
>> unfortunately is going to confuse a lot of people, especially non-English
>> speakers. Please ditch it.
>> Section 4.1.2
>> "the Issuer MAY create the key pair for the Holder, or Holder and Issuer
>> MAY use pre-established key material." I think you are going to give a
>> heart attack to all the SEC ADs with this sentence. It appears to be
>> condoning a generally horrible practice, and is a pile of DISCUSSes waiting
>> to happen. Anyone who knows what they are doing and understands the risks
>> does not need the MAY to know what to do. I would just nuke it.
>> Section 4.2.1
>> I think the reference to RFC20 is going to be more confusing than
>> helpful. suggest s/, producing a US-ASCII [RFC20
>> <>]
>> string//
>> s/The order is decided/The order was decided/ ; in this same paragraph
>> s/would//; and make the paragraph an indented Note.
>> s/The resulting Disclosure would be:/The resulting Disclosure is:/
>> In the paragraph starting "Note that variations in whitespace" might be
>> confusing. While the Issuer could represent the claim names many different
>> ways, once they sign a document containing a specific variant (either as a
>> hashed disclosure, or a fixed claim) the holder and verifier can only use
>> the issuer-chosen variant.
>> Section 4.2.3
>> s/using the hash algorithm specified in the _sd_alg claim described in 
>> Section
>> 4.1.1
>> <>./using
>> the hash algorithm specified in the _sd_alg claim described in Section
>> 4.1.1
>> <>,
>> or SHA-256 if no algorithm is specified./
>> s/US-ASCII bytes of the//
>> Section
>> IMPORTANT: This section does not explain that the _sd claim can appear
>> at any hierarchy level (nested object properties). At least provide a
>> forward reference to Section 6 please.
>> Section 4.2.6
>> I'd like to compliment the authors that this topic was explained very
>> clearly IMO.
>> Section 4.3.1
>> s/US-ASCII bytes of the encode SD-JWT/compact encoded SD-JWT/
>> Section 6 or 6.3
>> I didn't see any mention that a verifier may process blinded hashes, not
>> finding a corresponding disclosure (or might process disclosures not
>> finding a corresponding hash). Once it finds a disclosure containing an
>> array or object, the verifier should retry any remaining disclosures.
>> Section 7.1
>> To step 2 "Validate the Issuer-signed JWT", I would add, "Validate the
>> Issuer is trusted for its target usage". This is akin to trusting specific
>> root CAs in RFC5280.
>> The list numbering is confusing. kramdown-rfc allows passthrough xml and
>> xml2rfc allows nested ordered lists with a type parameter like so:
>> <ol type="a">
>> <li>One</li>
>> <li>Two
>> <ol type="a">
>> <li>Aaa - Roman Army sounds off
>> <ol type="i">
>> <li>aye</li>
>> <li>aye aye</li>
>> <li>aye aye aye</li>
>> <li>aye vee</li>
>> <li>vee</li>
>> </ol></li>
>> <li>Bbb</li>
>> <li>Ccc</li>
>> </ol></li>
>> <li>Three</li>
>> </ol>
>> There is no mention of checking that validity claims (exp and nbf) are
>> valid if they are present.
>> Section 7.2
>> I think if the section is talking about processing by a particular role,
>> then any normative statements MUST be from the perspective of that role.
>> Having "The Issuer MUST" statements in this section feels jarring and wrong.
>> Section 7.3
>> There is no mention of what to do if there are contradictory audiences on
>> the Issuer SD-JWT and KB-JWT
>> Section 9
>> Is Holder examination/verification of the Issuer's assertions not a
>> security property? In other words, if the Issuer discloses (in plain text)
>> something the Holder doesn't want to disclose, the Holder can decide it
>> will not present it.
>> Section 9.4
>> "The hash function SHOULD also be collision resistant." Why is this a
>> SHOULD instead of a MUST? Under what circumstances would this be acceptable?
>> "The collision resistance of the hash function used to generate digests
>> SHOULD match the collision resistance of the hash function used by the
>> signature scheme." It is not obvious why this is the case. A signature
>> algorithm might sign thousands or millions of SD-JWTs or KB-JWTs. The hash
>> scheme has to be unique among dozens of blinded claims.
>> Section 9.7
>> This section seems to disagree with itself. I agree with the first
>> sentence. Then the next sentences take it all back. I would not be
>> surprised to see the SEC ADs slap a DISCUSS on this section as currently
>> written. Again this is another place with SHOULDs without explanation when
>> you would do something different.
>> Section 10.1
>> I didn't review this yet. I'll read this tomorrow.
>> Section 11
>> s/some of which substantial/some of which are substantial/
>> Section 12.1
>> I don't think "..." is strictly covered by the JWT claims registry, since
>> it never appears in the top-level payload object.
>> Examples in Appendix B
>> Seemed a missed opportunity not to mention Schulstr. vs. Schulstrasse vs.
>> Schulstraße
>> Likewise could have mentioned a claim with a locale consideration (ex:
>> time, data, money). These are both very minor.
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