I meant it is not yet adopted as an RFC.

To be clear, I think you are doing great work on the HTTP Sig doc, and a
number of concerns I have with HTTP signing have been addressed => I just
think that doing work in the OAuth WG on a moving and unproven draft in the
HTTP WG is not a good use of resources in the OAuth WG at this time.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:20 PM Justin Richer <jric...@mit.edu> wrote:

> > HTTP Sig looks very promising, but it has not been adopted as a draft
> Just to be clear, the HTTP Sig draft is an official adopted document of
> the HTTP Working Group since about a year ago. I would not have suggested
> we depend on it for a document within this WG otherwise.
>  — Justin
> On Oct 6, 2021, at 5:08 PM, Dick Hardt <dick.ha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not supportive of adoption of this document at this time.
> I am supportive of the concepts in the document. Building upon existing,
> widely used, proven security mechanisms gives us better security.
> HTTP Sig looks very promising, but it has not been adopted as a draft, and
> as far as I know, it is not widely deployed.
> We should wait to do work on extending HTTP Sig for OAuth until it has
> stabilized and proven itself in the field. We have more than enough work to
> do in the WG now, and having yet-another PoP mechanism is more likely to
> confuse the community at this time.
> An argument to adopt the draft would be to ensure HTTP Sig can be used in
> OAuth.
> Given Justin and Annabelle are also part of the OAuth community, I'm sure
> they will be considering how HTTP Sig can apply to OAuth, so the overlap is
> serving us already.
> /Dick
> ᐧ
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:04 PM Aaron Parecki <aa...@parecki.com> wrote:
>> I support adoption of this document.
>> - Aaron
>> On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:02 PM Rifaat Shekh-Yusef <
>> rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> As a followup on the interim meeting today, this is a *call for
>>> adoption *for the *OAuth Proof of Possession Tokens with HTTP Message
>>> Signature* draft as a WG document:
>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-richer-oauth-httpsig/
>>> Please, provide your feedback on the mailing list by* October 20th*.
>>> Regards,
>>>  Rifaat & Hannes
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